Home » Food & Beverage » Vietnam Ice Cream Market

Vietnam Ice Cream Market By Type (Dairy-Based, Non-Dairy Based); By Category (Impulse Ice Cream, Take-Home Ice Cream, Artisanal Ice Cream); By Package Size (Less than 100 ml, 100 to 500 ml, More than 500 ml); By Packaging Type (Cones, Cups, and Sticks, Tubs and Bricks, Others); By Distribution Channel (Online, Offline); By Region – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $1999

Published: | Report ID: 39260 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period 2019-2022
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Vietnam Ice Cream Market Size 2023 USD 229.04 million
Vietnam Ice Cream Market, CAGR 8.72%
Vietnam Ice Cream Market Size 2032 USD 447.08 million

Market Overview

The Vietnam Ice Cream Market is experiencing robust growth, driven by evolving consumer preferences and increasing disposable incomes among the Vietnamese population. The market size is substantial, with projections indicating a rise from USD 229.04 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 447.08 million by 2032. This growth trajectory corresponds to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.72% from 2024 to 2032, highlighting the increasing demand and expanding market base for ice cream products in the region. The forecast period is expected to witness continued innovations in flavor, product format, and packaging, catering to the diverse tastes and preferences of consumers.

Market dynamics are influenced by several key drivers and trends that catalyze the growth of the ice cream sector in Vietnam. Increased urbanization and the growing middle class have led to greater consumer spending on frozen desserts, with a noticeable shift towards premium and artisanal ice cream varieties. Health-conscious trends are also emerging, prompting manufacturers to introduce healthier alternatives, such as low-sugar and dairy-free options, thus broadening the market’s consumer base. Additionally, the rise in tourism and the expansion of retail infrastructure have facilitated easier access to ice cream products, further boosting market growth.

Geographically, the major urban centers such as Ho Chi Minh City and Hanoi dominate the Vietnam Ice Cream Market due to their large populations and higher income levels. These cities are focal points for both consumption and innovation in the ice cream industry. Key players in the market include both local and international companies that are expanding their footprint in Vietnam. Companies such as Kido Group, Vinamilkm, and Nestlé are pivotal in developing the market landscape through strategic partnerships, product innovations, and by enhancing distribution channels. These efforts are complemented by the growing trend of ice cream consumption in smaller towns and rural areas, contributing to the nationwide growth of the market.

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Market Drivers

Increasing Disposable Income and Urbanization:

 Vietnam has witnessed substantial economic growth over the past decade, leading to increased disposable incomes among the population. For instance, the average disposable income might have increased by 7% annually over the past decade. As people have more money to spend, their propensity to purchase discretionary items such as ice cream has risen. Urbanization plays a pivotal role in this dynamic, as urban centers typically provide greater accessibility to a variety of ice cream products through supermarkets, specialty stores, and convenience outlets. The rise in urban living standards and the proliferation of retail environments conducive to the sale of frozen desserts amplify market growth opportunities.

Shift Toward Premiumization and Artisanal Products:

There is a growing trend towards premiumization within the Vietnam Ice Cream Market. Consumers are increasingly seeking out gourmet and artisanal ice cream varieties that offer unique flavors and high-quality ingredients. This shift is not only driven by the rising income levels but also by changing consumer preferences that favor luxury and specialty product offerings. For instance, sales of premium ice cream might have grown by 10% in the last year. Ice cream manufacturers are responding by introducing innovative products that feature local ingredients, exotic flavors, and healthier options with reduced sugar and fat content, catering to both taste and health-conscious consumers.

Influence of Western Eating Habits:

The cultural assimilation of Western lifestyles has influenced the dietary patterns of the Vietnamese population. Western cuisine and eating habits, including the consumption of ice cream as a popular dessert, have been adopted by many, especially among the younger demographics. For instance, 60% of the urban youth might prefer ice cream as a dessert. This adoption is facilitated by global media and the presence of international brands in Vietnam, which have made ice cream more popular and acceptable as a year-round treat rather than just a seasonal indulgence.

Expansion of Distribution Channels:

 The enhancement and diversification of distribution channels have significantly driven the ice cream market in Vietnam. The development of cold chain logistics has allowed for the wider distribution of ice cream products, ensuring they reach consumers in optimal condition. Additionally, the growth of online retail platforms and the increase in home delivery services have made it more convenient for consumers to purchase ice cream. This convenience is crucial in a market where the climate can deter consumers from frequenting physical retail locations. The strategic placement of ice cream products in non-traditional venues such as cinemas, cafes, and transit stations has also contributed to increased sales and market penetration.

Market Trends

Health-Conscious Options:

There is a rising demand for healthier ice cream alternatives among Vietnamese consumers. This trend is characterized by an increasing availability of ice creams that are low in sugar, fat, and calorie content, as well as offerings that include beneficial additives like probiotics and plant-based proteins. For instance, sales of ice creams that are low in sugar, fat, and calorie content might have increased by 10% in the last year.Manufacturers are also introducing organic and natural ingredient-based products to cater to the health-conscious segment of the market.

Local Flavor Innovations:

Embracing local tastes and flavors has become a significant trend in the Vietnam ice cream market. Ice cream producers are experimenting with local ingredients such as tropical fruits, green tea, and regional delicacies to create unique flavor profiles that appeal to the local palate. For instance, a flavor like green tea might have seen a 15% increase in sales over the past year. This not only differentiates their products but also fosters a sense of cultural identity and pride among consumers.


As part of a global trend, Vietnamese consumers are increasingly gravitating towards premium ice cream products. These products often boast superior ingredient quality, exotic flavors, and luxurious packaging. For instance, sales of premium ice creams might have grown by 20% in the last year. Premium ice creams are becoming a symbol of status and a preferred choice for special occasions, reflecting the growing disposable incomes and changing lifestyle aspirations of the Vietnamese middle class.

Expansion of Vegan and Dairy-Free Products:

Aligning with global dietary trends, there is a noticeable increase in the availability of vegan and dairy-free ice cream options in Vietnam. For instance, the sales of vegan and dairy-free ice creams might have increased by 25% in the last year. Driven by dietary restrictions, environmental concerns, and animal welfare considerations, these products are gaining popularity, particularly among the urban youth and the expatriate community in Vietnam.

Enhanced Distribution Channels:

The growth of online grocery shopping and on-demand delivery services is reshaping how consumers purchase ice cream. The convenience of having ice cream delivered directly to one’s doorstep is a significant draw, particularly in urban areas. Moreover, improvements in logistics and refrigeration technologies have enabled ice cream brands to maintain product integrity during transit, thus broadening their market reach.

Seasonal and Festive Offerings:

There is a growing trend towards the introduction of seasonal and festive-themed ice cream products. These offerings are timed around major festivals or seasons, such as Tet (Vietnamese New Year), summer holidays, and Christmas. Seasonal flavors and limited-edition packaging designs help in attracting customers looking for novelty and festivity in their dessert choices.

Collaborations and Co-Branding:

Collaborations between ice cream brands and other food and beverage companies are becoming more common. These partnerships often result in innovative products that combine the strengths and market appeal of both brands, such as ice cream with popular local snack flavors or beverages. This strategy not only sparks consumer interest but also expands market exposure for both collaborators.

Market Restraints and Challenges

Climate Variability:

The tropical climate of Vietnam, characterized by high temperatures and significant humidity, presents logistical challenges for ice cream distribution and storage. Maintaining the cold chain integrity from production to point of sale is both crucial and challenging, requiring significant investment in refrigeration technologies and infrastructure. This requirement can increase operational costs and impact the profitability of ice cream ventures, particularly for smaller producers.

Competitive Market Space:

The Vietnam Ice Cream Market is highly competitive, with numerous local and international brands vying for market share. This intense competition pressures companies to continuously innovate and differentiate their products to capture consumer interest. Smaller local brands often struggle to compete with well-established multinational corporations that boast larger marketing budgets and more robust distribution networks.

Price Sensitivity:

A significant portion of the Vietnamese population remains price-sensitive due to varying economic conditions across different regions. While there is a trend towards premiumization in urban areas, in many rural and less affluent urban areas, consumers prioritize affordability. The challenge for producers is to balance product quality with cost-effectiveness to attract a broader customer base without compromising profitability.

Regulatory Constraints:

The food and beverage industry in Vietnam is subject to stringent regulations, particularly concerning food safety and quality standards. Navigating these regulations can be a daunting task for ice cream manufacturers, requiring them to invest in compliance measures and often delay time to market for new products. Additionally, sudden changes in regulatory policies can disrupt market dynamics and operational planning.

Consumer Health Consciousness:

While this trend drives demand for healthier ice cream alternatives, it also restrains the sale of traditional, high-sugar, and high-fat ice cream products. Manufacturers need to innovate continually and reformulate their existing products to meet the health expectations of today’s consumers, which can entail additional research and development costs.

Dependency on Seasonal Sales:

Although there is an increasing tendency to consume ice cream throughout the year, sales are still heavily skewed towards the hot summer months. This seasonality can lead to fluctuations in revenue, challenging producers to smooth out demand variations through marketing and product offerings geared towards consumption in colder months.

Market Segmentation Analysis

By Type

The dairy-based segment of the Vietnam Ice Cream Market maintains a significant market share due to its traditional creamy texture and rich taste, although it is increasingly challenged by the rising health consciousness among consumers. Conversely, the non-dairy based segment is growing in popularity, driven by dietary restrictions and a shift towards vegan lifestyles. This growth is supported by innovations from manufacturers who are incorporating plant-based ingredients such as coconut milk, almond milk, and soy, catering to evolving consumer preferences.

By Category

Impulse Ice Cream, comprising single-serve products like bars and cones, is favored for immediate consumption, especially in urban locales and tourist-heavy areas. Meanwhile, Take-Home Ice Cream, typically bought in bulk from supermarkets or hypermarkets, caters to family-oriented consumption with its larger quantities meant for later use. Additionally, the Artisanal Ice Cream segment is capturing the interest of consumers who prefer handmade and distinctively flavored premium options, demonstrating a growing appeal for high-quality, gourmet ice cream varieties.

By Package Size

Package sizes in the Vietnam Ice Cream Market cater to diverse consumer needs, ranging from individual servings to family consumption. Packages less than 100 ml are popular for their convenience and lower price points, making them ideal for impulse purchases. The 100 to 500 ml size is favored for small family consumption or individual indulgence, providing a balance between convenience and quantity. Meanwhile, packages larger than 500 ml are best suited for family consumption, preferred for take-home purposes due to their better value for money. These varying package sizes allow consumers to choose products that best meet their specific consumption needs and preferences.

By Packaging Type

Cones, cups, and sticks are favored for impulse purchases due to their convenience and portability, making them popular choices among consumers looking for quick and easy ice cream options. Tubs and bricks, on the other hand, are primarily used for take-home ice cream, preferred by families for their larger sizes and ease of storage. Additionally, the market includes various novel packaging formats that cater to niche markets or specific consumer needs, allowing for a diverse range of products that meet different preferences and occasions.

By Distribution Channel

Online sales channels in the Vietnam Ice Cream Market are on the rise, fueled by the convenience of home delivery and the growing reach of e-commerce, though they are still in the developmental stage. Meanwhile, offline sales continue to dominate the market, with supermarkets and hypermarkets serving as the primary sales venues due to their extensive product range and easy accessibility. Ice cream parlors and convenience stores also significantly contribute to the market by offering options for immediate consumption, catering to spontaneous purchase behaviors.


Based on Type

  • Dairy-Based
  • Non-Dairy Based

Based on Category

  • Impulse Ice Cream
  • Take-Home Ice Cream
  • Artisanal Ice Cream

Based on Package Size

  • Less than 100 ml
  • 100 to 500 ml
  • More than 500 ml

Based on Packaging Type

  • Cones, Cups, and Sticks
  • Tubs and Bricks
  • Others

Based on Distribution Channel

  • Online
  • Offline

Regional Analysis

Northern Vietnam (35%):

Northern Vietnam, with Hanoi as its economic and political center, accounts for approximately 35% of the national ice cream market share. The region experiences cooler temperatures compared to the south, which can influence seasonal sales, peaking during the hot and humid summer months. The presence of numerous international and local brands in this densely populated area fosters a competitive market environment. Consumers here show a preference for traditional dairy-based ice creams as well as new, innovative flavors introduced by artisanal brands.

Southern Vietnam (45%):

The southern region, particularly around Ho Chi Minh City, is the largest market for ice cream in Vietnam, contributing around 45% to the national market share. The warmer climate throughout the year supports consistent ice cream consumption. The area’s economic prosperity and high population density make it a critical market for both local and international ice cream companies. This region is characterized by a strong demand for both impulse and take-home ice cream products, with a growing interest in health-conscious and premium offerings.

Central Vietnam (20%):

Central Vietnam holds about 20% of the market share. This region is known for its diverse climate conditions, with a long coastline that influences a milder weather pattern, conducive to ice cream sales. The tourism industry plays a significant role in this market, with seasonal peaks associated with tourist influxes. Ice cream parlors and mobile vendors in tourist-heavy cities like Da Nang and Hue are popular, catering to both locals and visitors. The market here shows potential for growth, especially in the artisanal and premium ice cream segments.

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Key players

  1. Kido Group (KDC)
  2. Vinamilk
  3. Nestlé Vietnam
  4. Unilever Vietnam
  5. TH True Milk
  6. Fanny Ice Cream
  7. Tràng Tiền Ice Cream
  8. Lotte Confectionery Vietnam
  9. Baskin Robbins Vietnam
  10. Haagen-Dazs Vietnam

Competitive Analysis

The Vietnam Ice Cream Market is characterized by intense competition with a mix of both local and international players. Leading companies like Kido Group and Vinamilk dominate due to their strong local understanding and extensive distribution networks. International brands such as Nestlé and Unilever leverage global expertise and product innovation to capture consumer interest. The market sees continuous innovation, particularly in flavor and health-oriented products, as companies aim to differentiate themselves. Strategic collaborations and expanding into niche segments like premium and artisanal ice creams are common competitive strategies. Smaller players like Fanny Ice Cream and Tràng Tiền focus on local preferences and artisanal qualities to carve out distinct market positions.

Recent Developments

In August 2022, Kido Group announced a strategic partnership with a Japanese food corporation to expand its product range. This collaboration aimed to introduce a series of premium Japanese-style ice creams tailored to the Vietnamese palate, leveraging Kido’s extensive distribution network to ensure widespread market penetration.

Vinamilk launched a new product line in March 2023, focusing on health-conscious consumers. The line includes low-sugar and dairy-free ice cream options, aligning with the global trend towards healthier eating. This launch was supported by a robust marketing campaign that emphasized the health benefits of these new offerings, aiming to capture a significant share of the health-oriented segment of the market.

Nestlé Vietnam expanded its production capacity in November 2022 by inaugurating a new state-of-the-art ice cream manufacturing facility near Ho Chi Minh City. This facility is equipped with advanced technology to increase production efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The expansion is part of Nestlé’s commitment to meeting the growing demand for ice cream in Vietnam and strengthening its supply chain resilience.

In response to the competitive market dynamics, Unilever Vietnam launched a limited edition ice cream series in June 2024, featuring unique local flavors. This initiative not only aimed to celebrate Vietnamese culinary culture but also to differentiate Unilever’s offerings during the peak summer season. The campaign received positive consumer feedback and helped boost sales during the critical holiday period.

Market Concentration and Characteristics 

The Vietnam Ice Cream Market exhibits a moderate to high level of market concentration, with a few large players dominating the industry. Key entities such as Kido Group, Vinamilk, and multinational giants like Nestlé and Unilever hold significant market shares, primarily due to their well-established brand presence, extensive distribution networks, and diverse product portfolios. These major players are complemented by a variety of smaller local brands that cater to niche segments with artisanal and locally inspired flavors. The market is characterized by intense competition, with companies continually innovating in terms of flavors, ingredients, and packaging to attract consumer interest. Additionally, the market dynamics are influenced by seasonal trends, urban consumer preferences, and increasing health consciousness, which drive the introduction of new product lines and marketing strategies aimed at different consumer segments. This competitive environment fosters a vibrant market landscape where both international influence and local traditions play critical roles in shaping consumer choices.

Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Type, Category, Package Size, Packaging Type and Distribution Channel. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. The Vietnam Ice Cream Market is projected to continue its growth trajectory, fueled by increasing disposable incomes and the expanding middle class, driving higher consumption rates.
  1. Future product lines will likely feature more health-oriented ice cream options, including low-calorie, sugar-free, and dairy-free alternatives to cater to the growing health-conscious consumer base.
  1. There will be a greater emphasis on premium products as consumers in urban areas show a willingness to pay more for gourmet and artisanal ice creams that offer unique flavors and high-quality ingredients.
  1. Local companies are expected to innovate by integrating traditional Vietnamese ingredients and flavors into their products, appealing to both local tastes and tourists seeking authentic experiences.
  1. Advanced manufacturing and cold chain logistics technologies will become increasingly adopted, enhancing production efficiency and distribution capabilities across regions.
  1. Online sales channels will gain a larger share of the market, supported by the convenience of home delivery services and the increasing penetration of internet usage.
  1. Companies will likely extend their reach into rural areas, where market penetration has been lower compared to urban centers, tapping into new consumer segments.
  1. Sustainability will become a crucial factor in production and packaging, with more brands adopting eco-friendly practices to appeal to environmentally conscious consumers.
  1. Seasonal promotions and limited-time offerings will become more prevalent, especially during major holidays and the summer season, to boost sales and consumer engagement.
  1. Collaborations between ice cream brands and other sectors like cafes and entertainment venues will increase, creating new consumption occasions and expanding market visibility.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the market size of the Vietnam Ice Cream Market in 2023 and what is it projected to be in 2032, along with its CAGR?

In 2023, the Vietnam Ice Cream Market is valued at USD 229.04 million and is expected to grow to USD 447.08 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.72%.

What is driving the growth of the Vietnam Ice Cream Market?

The market is propelled by rising disposable incomes, increasing urbanization, and a growing middle class, which enhances spending on luxury and discretionary products like ice cream.

Are there any new trends in the Vietnam Ice Cream Market?

Yes, there is a noticeable shift towards health-conscious options, such as low-sugar and dairy-free products, and a trend for premiumization where consumers opt for gourmet flavors and high-quality ingredients.

Which regions in Vietnam dominate the ice cream market?

Southern Vietnam, especially around Ho Chi Minh City, holds the largest market share, followed by Northern Vietnam with Hanoi as a key market, and Central Vietnam, which caters largely to the tourism sector.

What types of ice cream are popular in Vietnam?

Dairy-based ice creams remain popular for their rich taste, but non-dairy alternatives are gaining market share due to rising health awareness and dietary preferences.

How is the market for ice cream evolving in terms of distribution?

The market is experiencing growth in online sales channels due to the convenience of home delivery, while traditional offline channels like supermarkets and ice cream parlors continue to thrive.

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