Home » Medical Devices » Medical Exoskeleton Market

Medical Exoskeleton Market By Body Part Covered (Upper Body, Lower Body, Full Body); By Mode of Operation (Powered, Passive, Hybrid); By Form of Exoskeleton (Rigid, Soft); By Mobility (Fixed / Supported, Mobile); By End Users (Patients, Healthcare Providers, Industry Workers, Military Personnel, Others) – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $4999

Published: | Report ID: 40982 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period 2019-2022
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
Medical Exoskeleton market Size 2024 USD 867.64 million
Medical Exoskeleton market, CAGR 20.4%
Medical Exoskeleton market Size 2032 USD 4813.25 million

Market Overview

The Medical Exoskeleton market is projected to grow from USD 867.64 million in 2024 to USD 4813.25 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4%.

The Medical Exoskeleton market is driven by the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders and the rising number of spinal cord injuries, which heighten the demand for rehabilitative and assistive technology. Technological advancements in robotics and AI are enhancing the functionality and efficiency of exoskeletons, making them more adaptive and user-friendly for patients. Additionally, the aging global population and the subsequent rise in age-related mobility issues are significant factors propelling the market forward. Governments and healthcare institutions are increasingly recognizing the potential benefits of exoskeletons in improving quality of life, contributing to the market’s expansion and the development of new, innovative products.

The Medical Exoskeleton market is characterized by a competitive landscape with several key players vying for technological and market leadership. CYBERDYNE and Ekso Bionics are prominent for their cutting-edge powered exoskeletons that provide mobility solutions to patients with severe physical disabilities. CYBERDYNE’s HAL series and Ekso Bionics’ exoskeleton suits are notable for enhancing patient rehabilitation with robotic precision. Hocoma is another significant player, known for its versatile solutions that cater to both clinical and research applications, enhancing the therapy processes for neurological and orthopedic rehabilitation. ExoAtlet and Bionic Yantra provide innovative mobility enhancements, focusing on user-friendly designs that promote natural movement patterns. Fourier Intelligence and Gloreha are making strides with their integration of advanced robotics and adaptive technologies to support patient-specific rehabilitation needs. These companies maintain their competitive edge by continuously investing in research and development, expanding their global presence, and forging strategic partnerships within the healthcare sector to meet the evolving demands of medical rehabilitation.

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Market Drivers

Addressing Mobility Challenges in an Aging World:

The global rise in neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, and an aging population are major drivers behind the increasing demand for medical exoskeletons. For instance, the global rise in neurological disorders, with over 3 billion people affected as of 2021, spinal cord injuries, and an aging population are major drivers behind the increasing demand for medical exoskeletons. These devices offer substantial benefits for rehabilitation, providing mobility-impaired patients with a viable option to improve their quality of life and gain independence. As the elderly population grows, with mobility limitations affecting about 35% of persons aged 70 and the majority of persons over 85 years, the prevalence of age-related mobility issues also rises, escalating the need for assistive solutions that support independent living and reduce the reliance on caregivers. As the elderly population grows, the prevalence of age-related mobility issues also rises, escalating the need for assistive solutions that support independent living and reduce the reliance on caregivers.

Technological Enhancements in Medical Exoskeletons:

Advancements in robotics, wearable technology, and material science are transforming medical exoskeletons into more sophisticated, user-friendly, and effective mobility aids. Innovations in lightweight materials, sensors, and control systems not only make these devices more comfortable and adaptable for patients but also enhance therapeutic outcomes. For instance, researchers have developed exoskeleton designs that improved human walking and running economy by 3.3 to 19.8% compared to not using a device. For example, the use of advanced sensors has improved the control of exoskeletons, increasing the accuracy of movement assistance by up to 80%. This progress is crucial in developing exoskeletons that can be easily integrated into the daily lives of users, promoting wider acceptance and utilization.

Integration with Healthcare and Economic Benefits:

There is a growing focus within the medical community on enhancing physical therapy and rehabilitation techniques to accelerate recovery times, improve patient functionality, and reduce long-term healthcare costs. For example, a systematic review revealed that exoskeleton use in occupational settings can impact quality and productivity measures such as endurance time and task completion time. Medical exoskeletons are increasingly recognized for their ability to augment traditional rehabilitation methods, offering patients faster and more substantial recovery prospects. Additionally, these technologies can potentially reduce the duration of hospital stays and associated healthcare costs, presenting significant economic benefits for healthcare systems globally.

Expansion of Market Reach and Applications:

The Medical Exoskeleton market is witnessing significant investment and development, driven by venture capital and medical technology companies. This influx of capital is not only advancing the range of exoskeleton applications but also refining the technologies involved. Moreover, insurance coverage for medical exoskeletons is expanding, with more policies starting to include these devices, thereby facilitating their adoption. Beyond traditional rehabilitation uses, exoskeletons are exploring roles in assisting workers in strenuous jobs and helping individuals with muscular disorders, thereby broadening their market potential and applications.

Market Trends

Innovative Materials and Technological Integration Enhance Exoskeletons:

 The Medical Exoskeleton market is experiencing a significant shift towards the use of soft exoskeletons crafted from lightweight textiles and flexible materials, enhancing patient comfort and compliance. For instance, recent studies show that soft exoskeletons can reduce the metabolic cost of walking by up to 15% for some patients. This trend marks a departure from traditional, bulky rigid exoskeletons, facilitating greater wearability and user satisfaction during extended use. Concurrently, the integration of advanced technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) is revolutionizing the capabilities of medical exoskeletons. For example, AI algorithms have improved gait patterns in stroke survivors by 10% compared to conventional therapy. These technologies enable the creation of personalized therapy plans, provide real-time feedback on patient movements, and enhance the precision of exoskeleton controls. This integration supports a more tailored rehabilitation process, significantly improving therapeutic outcomes.

Expanding Applications and Improving User Experience:

As the versatility of medical exoskeletons expands, their applications are diversifying beyond traditional realms like stroke rehabilitation to include spinal cord injury recovery, pain management, and even surgical assistance. For instance, in spinal cord injury recovery, exoskeleton-assisted walking has led to a 20% improvement in overground walking speed. This broadening scope demonstrates the potential of exoskeleton technology to address a wide array of medical conditions, offering more targeted and effective treatment options. In parallel, there is a growing emphasis on user-centric design, prioritizing ease of use, customization, and patient comfort to enhance therapy compliance and acceptance. Moreover, the integration of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) with medical exoskeletons is forging immersive therapeutic environments that increase patient engagement and motivation during rehabilitation exercises. For instance, VR-enhanced therapy has shown to increase patient motivation by 30%, making the therapy experience more interactive and enjoyable.

Market Challenges Analysis

Financial and Regulatory Barriers Impacting Medical Exoskeleton Adoption:

The adoption of medical exoskeletons faces significant financial barriers due to the high cost of these devices, which can be prohibitive for many patients. The situation is compounded by limited insurance coverage and reimbursement policies, which restrict access to this transformative technology. Additionally, the medical device industry contends with complex regulatory hurdles that can delay the market entry of new and innovative exoskeleton technologies. Navigating these regulatory pathways requires balancing the need for rapid market access with the imperative to uphold stringent safety standards, a critical step for ensuring patient safety and achieving regulatory compliance.

Technical and Operational Challenges in Medical Exoskeleton Implementation:

Medical exoskeletons must also overcome various technical and operational challenges to gain wider acceptance. Current models may not fit all patients due to limitations in size, weight, and strength capacities, highlighting the need for more customizable solutions that can accommodate diverse body types and physical impairments. Moreover, integrating these advanced devices into existing rehabilitation programs poses another challenge; it necessitates the development of standardized protocols that optimize patient outcomes. The successful operation and maintenance of medical exoskeletons require a skilled workforce, well-versed in both the technology and relevant rehabilitation practices, necessitating comprehensive training programs for healthcare professionals. Lastly, ensuring patient comfort and compliance remains crucial, as discomfort or the complexity of use can deter patients from fully adhering to therapy programs using exoskeletons. Enhancing user-friendliness and patient education are essential for improving patient engagement and the effectiveness of rehabilitation efforts with medical exoskeletons.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Body Part Covered:

The Medical Exoskeleton market is segmented by the specific body parts they are designed to assist, catering to different patient needs. Upper Body exoskeletons are used primarily to aid arm and hand movement, crucial for patients recovering from strokes or injuries that affect their upper limbs. Lower Body exoskeletons focus on enhancing mobility and strength in the legs, widely used for gait training and rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injuries or severe muscle weakness. Full Body exoskeletons provide comprehensive support and mobility, benefiting patients requiring extensive rehabilitation support to perform daily activities and improve overall motor function. This segmentation reflects the targeted approach of exoskeletons in addressing specific rehabilitation needs and improving patient outcomes.

By Mode of Operation:

Exoskeletons are also categorized based on their mode of operation, which influences their functionality and application. Powered exoskeletons, equipped with motors or actuators, are the most commonly used due to their ability to provide substantial support and mobility enhancement. Passive exoskeletons, which do not use external power sources, rely on the user’s motion to function and are typically lighter and less expensive, suitable for those with residual mobility. Hybrid exoskeletons combine elements of both powered and passive designs, offering flexibility in usage according to the patient’s progress and energy levels. This classification is crucial as it dictates the technological complexity, usage scenario, and potential rehabilitation impact of the exoskeletons.


Based on Body Part Covered:

  • Upper Body
  • Lower Body
  • Full Body

Based on Mode of Operation:

  • Powered
  • Passive
  • Hybrid

Based on Form of Exoskeleton:

  • Rigid
  • Soft

Based on Mobility:

  • Fixed / Supported
  • Mobile

Based on End Users:

  • Patients
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Industry Workers
  • Military Personnel
  • Others

Based on the Geography:

  • North America
    • The U.S.
    • Canada
    • Mexico
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • France
    • The U.K.
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • South Korea
    • South-east Asia
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
    • Brazil
    • Argentina
    • Rest of Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • GCC Countries
    • South Africa
    • Rest of Middle East and Africa

Regional Analysis

North America

North America holds a significant share of the medical exoskeleton market, driven by the region’s well-established healthcare system, robust research and development activities, and a strong focus on innovative rehabilitation solutions. The United States, in particular, is a major contributor to the North American market, accounting for approximately 40% of the global market share. The availability of reimbursement policies and the presence of leading medical device manufacturers have further propelled the adoption of exoskeleton technologies in this region.


Europe represents another prominent market for medical exoskeletons, owing to its advanced healthcare infrastructure and a growing emphasis on patient-centric care. Countries such as Germany, France, and the United Kingdom have been at the forefront of adopting exoskeleton technologies to aid in the rehabilitation of individuals with mobility impairments, spinal cord injuries, and neurological disorders. The European medical exoskeleton market currently holds a market share of around 28%, with a rising demand for innovative solutions that can improve patient outcomes and quality of life.

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Key Player Analysis

  • Bionic Yantra
  • Ekso Bionics
  • ExoAtlet
  • Fourier Intelligence
  • Gloreha
  • Guangzhou Yikang Medical Equipment
  • Hexar Humancare
  • Hocoma
  • MediTouch

Competitive Analysis

The Medical Exoskeleton market is intensely competitive, featuring a mix of established companies and emerging innovators. Key players like Ekso Bionics, CYBERDYNE, and ReWalk Robotics are leading the charge with groundbreaking powered exoskeletons that provide enhanced mobility to individuals with spinal cord injuries and other mobility impairments. These companies focus on continuous technological advancements, extensive clinical trials, and strategic partnerships to expand their market reach and enhance product effectiveness. Hocoma is another significant competitor, known for integrating sophisticated therapy algorithms that cater to a variety of rehabilitation needs. New entrants like ExoAtlet and Bionic Yantra are also making notable strides by offering more customizable and adaptable solutions, increasing their competitive edge. Collectively, these companies are driving innovation in the sector, focusing on improving user autonomy and developing solutions that cater to a broader range of medical conditions.

Recent Developments

  • In March 2024, the Indian Army, the Indian Air Force, and the National Disaster Response Force procured self-powered exoskeletons from Newndra Innovations to increase the productivity and endurance of soldiers.
  • In January 2024, engineers from the University of Colorado Boulder, US, and the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) introduced SNAP, a stretchable microneedle adhesive patch about the size of a band-aid, designed to adhere to the skin and capture electromyography (EMG) signals from human muscles, potentially enhancing the efficiency of operating robotic exoskeletons.
  • In January 2024, several medical exoskeleton companies participated in the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), one of the largest tech conferences in the world, and exhibited products ranging from AI-powered assistants to wearable robots.
  • In August 2023, ReWalk Robotics announced the definitive agreement to acquire AlterG in order to expand existing portfolio of neurorehabilitation products at closing amount of USD 19 million.

Market Concentration & Characteristics

The Medical Exoskeleton market is moderately concentrated, with a few major players like Ekso Bionics, CYBERDYNE, and ReWalk Robotics dominating the industry through technological innovation, extensive patent portfolios, and strong global distribution networks. These industry leaders set market trends by advancing exoskeleton capabilities, often in collaboration with medical institutions and research facilities, ensuring their products are at the forefront of both technological advancement and clinical application. The market is characterized by high barriers to entry, including substantial R&D costs and rigorous regulatory standards that must be met to ensure patient safety and efficacy. However, the growing demand for rehabilitation devices and the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders are encouraging new entrants, expanding the market dynamics. This competitive environment fosters continual innovation and drives companies to develop more effective, user-friendly, and affordable exoskeleton solutions to meet diverse medical needs.

Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Body Part Covered, Mode of Operation, Form of Exoskeleton, Mobility, End Users and Geography. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. Increased adoption of medical exoskeletons in rehabilitation centers and hospitals to enhance patient recovery processes.
  2. Expansion of insurance coverage for medical exoskeletons, improving accessibility and affordability for patients.
  3. Technological advancements in materials and robotics will enhance the functionality and comfort of exoskeletons.
  4. Growth in partnerships between exoskeleton manufacturers and healthcare providers to refine and expand therapeutic applications.
  5. Advancements in AI and machine learning integration to provide personalized therapy and adaptive control systems.
  6. Expansion into new geographical markets, particularly in developing regions with rising healthcare investment.
  7. Increased focus on developing lightweight and wearable exoskeletons to improve user mobility and independence.
  8. Broader application of exoskeletons beyond rehabilitation, including assistance for the elderly and workers in strenuous jobs.
  9. Enhanced user training programs to ensure effective and safe use of exoskeleton technology.
  10. Continuous improvement in battery technology and energy efficiency to extend the operational time of wearable exoskeletons.

1. Introduction

1.1. Report Description

1.2. Purpose of the Report

1.3. USP & Key Offerings

1.4. Key Benefits for Stakeholders

1.5. Target Audience

1.6. Report Scope

1.7. Regional Scope

2. Scope and Methodology

2.1. Objectives of the Study

2.2. Stakeholders

2.3. Data Sources

2.3.1. Primary Sources

2.3.2. Secondary Sources

2.4. Market Estimation

2.4.1. Bottom-Up Approach

2.4.2. Top-Down Approach

2.5. Forecasting Methodology

3. Executive Summary

4. Introduction

4.1. Overview

4.2. Key Industry Trends

5. Global Medical Exoskeleton Market

5.1. Market Overview

5.2. Market Performance

5.3. Impact of COVID-19

5.4. Market Forecast

6. Market Breakup by Body Part Covered

6.1. Upper Body

6.1.1. Market Trends

6.1.2. Market Forecast

6.1.3. Revenue Share

6.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.2. Lower Body

6.2.1. Market Trends

6.2.2. Market Forecast

6.2.3. Revenue Share

6.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

6.3. Full Body

6.3.1. Market Trends

6.3.2. Market Forecast

6.3.3. Revenue Share

6.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7. Market Breakup by Mode of Operation

7.1. Powered

7.1.1. Market Trends

7.1.2. Market Forecast

7.1.3. Revenue Share

7.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7.2. Passive

7.2.1. Market Trends

7.2.2. Market Forecast

7.2.3. Revenue Share

7.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

7.3. Hybrid

7.3.1. Market Trends

7.3.2. Market Forecast

7.3.3. Revenue Share

7.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8. Market Breakup by Form of Exoskeleton

8.1. Rigid

8.1.1. Market Trends

8.1.2. Market Forecast

8.1.3. Revenue Share

8.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

8.2. Soft

8.2.1. Market Trends

8.2.2. Market Forecast

8.2.3. Revenue Share

8.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9. Market Breakup by Mobility

9.1. Fixed / Supported

9.1.1. Market Trends

9.1.2. Market Forecast

9.1.3. Revenue Share

9.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

9.2. Mobile

9.2.1. Market Trends

9.2.2. Market Forecast

9.2.3. Revenue Share

9.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10. Market Breakup by End Users

10.1. Patients

10.1.1. Market Trends

10.1.2. Market Forecast

10.1.3. Revenue Share

10.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10.2. Healthcare Providers

10.2.1. Market Trends

10.2.2. Market Forecast

10.2.3. Revenue Share

10.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10.3. Industry Workers

10.3.1. Market Trends

10.3.2. Market Forecast

10.3.3. Revenue Share

10.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10.4. Military Personnel

10.4.1. Market Trends

10.4.2. Market Forecast

10.4.3. Revenue Share

10.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

10.5. Others

10.5.1. Market Trends

10.5.2. Market Forecast

10.5.3. Revenue Share

10.5.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity

11. Market Breakup by Region

11.1. North America

11.1.1. United States Market Trends Market Forecast

11.1.2. Canada Market Trends Market Forecast

11.2. Asia-Pacific

11.2.1. China

11.2.2. Japan

11.2.3. India

11.2.4. South Korea

11.2.5. Australia

11.2.6. Indonesia

11.2.7. Others

11.3. Europe

11.3.1. Germany

11.3.2. France

11.3.3. United Kingdom

11.3.4. Italy

11.3.5. Spain

11.3.6. Russia

11.3.7. Others

11.4. Latin America

11.4.1. Brazil

11.4.2. Mexico

11.4.3. Others

11.5. Middle East and Africa

11.5.1. Market Trends

11.5.2. Market Breakup by Country

11.5.3. Market Forecast

12. SWOT Analysis

12.1. Overview

12.2. Strengths

12.3. Weaknesses

12.4. Opportunities

12.5. Threats

13. Value Chain Analysis

14. Porters Five Forces Analysis

14.1. Overview

14.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers

14.3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers

14.4. Degree of Competition

14.5. Threat of New Entrants

14.6. Threat of Substitutes

15. Price Analysis

16. Competitive Landscape

16.1. Market Structure

16.2. Key Players

16.3. Profiles of Key Players

16.3.1. Bionic Yantra Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis


16.3.3. Ekso Bionics

16.3.4. ExoAtlet

16.3.5. Fourier Intelligence

16.3.6. Gloreha

16.3.7. Guangzhou Yikang Medical Equipment

16.3.8. Hexar Humancare

16.3.9. Hocoma

16.3.10. MediTouch

17. Research Methodology

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the current size of the Medical Exoskeleton Market?

The Medical Exoskeleton market is projected to grow from USD 867.64 million in 2024 to USD 4813.25 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 20.4%.

What factors are driving the growth of the Medical Exoskeleton Market?

The growth of the Medical Exoskeleton market is driven by the increasing prevalence of neurological disorders, a rising number of spinal cord injuries, technological advancements in robotics and AI, and the growing aging population which intensifies the demand for rehabilitative and assistive technologies.

What are the key segments within the Medical Exoskeleton Market?

Key segments within the Medical Exoskeleton Market include Body Part Covered (Upper Body, Lower Body, Full Body), Mode of Operation (Powered, Passive, Hybrid), and other differentiators such as Form of Exoskeleton (Rigid, Soft), Mobility (Fixed/Supported, Mobile), and End Users (Patients, Healthcare Providers, Industry Workers, Military Personnel, Others).

What are some challenges faced by the Medical Exoskeleton Market?

Challenges in the Medical Exoskeleton Market include high costs and limited reimbursement options, regulatory hurdles, the need for more clinical evidence on long-term outcomes, technical limitations, and integration challenges with existing rehabilitation programs.

Who are the major players in the Medical Exoskeleton Market?

Major players in the Medical Exoskeleton Market include Ekso Bionics, CYBERDYNE, ReWalk Robotics, Hocoma, Bionic Yantra, ExoAtlet, and other companies that are pioneering the development and application of exoskeleton technologies.

Which segment is leading the market share?

The Powered exoskeletons segment is leading the market share due to their extensive application in providing substantial mobility support and rehabilitation assistance, driven by continuous technological enhancements and increasing adoption in clinical settings.

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