Home » Healthcare » India Cancer Immunotherapy Market

India Cancer Immunotherapy Market By Therapy Type (Monoclonal Antibodies, Cancer Vaccines, Immunomodulators, Immune Check Point Inhibitors, Other Therapy Types); By Application (Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, Lung Cancer); By End Users (Hospitals and Clinics, Cancer Research Centers, Other End Users); By Region – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $1999

Published: | Report ID: 36893 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period  2019-2022
Base Year  2023
Forecast Period  2024-2032
India Cancer Immunotherapy Market Size 2023  USD 98,367.68 Million
India Cancer Immunotherapy Market, CAGR  6.27%
India Cancer Immunotherapy Market Size 2032  USD 115,574.15 Million

Market Overview

The India Cancer Immunotherapy Market is projected to witness substantial growth, with market value expected to rise from USD 98,367.68 million in 2023 to USD 115,574.15 million by 2032, exhibiting a robust compound annual growth rate of 6.27%. The India Cancer Immunotherapy Market stands as a dynamic sector within the healthcare industry, characterized by remarkable growth and innovation. Immunotherapy, heralded as a revolutionary approach to cancer treatment, has garnered substantial attention owing to its potential to enhance patient outcomes and transform traditional treatment modalities. Unlike conventional therapies like chemotherapy and radiation, which often induce severe side effects and indiscriminately target healthy cells along with cancerous ones, immunotherapy offers a more targeted and personalized approach. This distinctive mechanism has spurred heightened adoption and research in the field, consequently propelling the expansion of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market.

A primary driver fueling the growth of this market is the escalating prevalence of cancer throughout the nation. Factors such as an aging population, evolving lifestyles, and environmental influences contribute to the mounting incidence of various cancer types, necessitating innovative and effective treatment options. Consequently, there exists a burgeoning demand for cancer immunotherapy in India, driven by the imperative to address the rising cancer burden.

Advancements in biotechnology and an enhanced understanding of cancer biology have paved the way for the development of novel immunotherapeutic agents. Ranging from monoclonal antibodies to immune checkpoint inhibitors and adoptive cell therapies, the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market offers a diverse array of treatment options tailored to different cancer types and stages. These breakthroughs have significantly broadened the therapeutic landscape, providing oncologists and patients with a plethora of choices and ultimately improving overall survival rates. Both domestic and international pharmaceutical entities are channeling significant resources into clinical trials and collaborative endeavors aimed at bringing novel immunotherapeutic agents to market fruition. This influx of investment not only fosters innovation but also contributes to the overall growth of the healthcare ecosystem in India, bolstering the nation’s position as a hub for medical advancement.

Moreover, government initiatives and policies aimed at bolstering healthcare infrastructure and enhancing access to innovative therapies have played a pivotal role in propelling the growth of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market. Initiatives such as the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and the Ayushman Bharat scheme are geared towards improving cancer care accessibility and affordability, fostering a conducive environment for the adoption of immunotherapy and other advanced treatment modalities across diverse healthcare settings in India.

Nevertheless, despite the promising growth prospects, the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market faces challenges, chief among them being the high cost associated with immunotherapeutic agents. Affordability and accessibility of these treatments pose concerns, particularly for patients from low-income backgrounds. Addressing pricing issues and implementing reimbursement policies are imperative steps towards ensuring equitable access to cancer immunotherapy in India, thereby maximizing its potential to transform cancer care delivery and improve patient outcomes nationwide.

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Segmentation Analysis

By Therapy Type:

The India Cancer Immunotherapy Market comprises several therapy types, including Monoclonal Antibodies, Cancer Vaccines, Immunomodulators, Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors, and Other Therapy Types. These therapies offer targeted approaches to combat cancer, driving market growth and adoption.

By Application:

Across various cancer types such as Prostate Cancer, Breast Cancer, Skin Cancer, and Lung Cancer, immunotherapy demonstrates promising efficacy. As a result, the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market addresses a diverse array of cancer indications, catering to the specific needs of patients and clinicians.

By End Users:

Hospitals and Clinics serve as primary hubs for cancer treatment and care delivery, while Cancer Research Centers contribute to innovation and scientific advancements in immunotherapy. Additionally, Other End Users, including specialty clinics and ambulatory care centers, play a crucial role in expanding access to immunotherapy across different healthcare settings in India.


By Therapy Type:

  • Monoclonal Antibodies
  • Cancer Vaccines
  • Immunomodulators
  • Immune Check Point Inhibitors
  • Other Therapy Types

By Application:

  • Prostate Cancer
  • Breast Cancer
  • Skin Cancer
  • Lung Cancer

By End Users:

  • Hospitals and Clinics
  • Cancer Research Centers
  • Other End Users

By Region:

  • North India
  • West India
  • South India
  • East India
  • Central India

Market Drivers

Rising Burden of Cancer

India faces a concerning rise in cancer cases, attributed to various factors such as population aging, unhealthy lifestyles, and increasing environmental exposure to carcinogens. For instance, the estimated number of incident cases of cancer in India for the year 2022 was found to be 1,461,427. This surge in cancer patients fuels the demand for effective treatment options, propelling the growth of the immunotherapy market. With the incidence of cancer steadily climbing, there is an urgent need to explore innovative therapeutic approaches that offer improved outcomes and better quality of life for patients.

Growing Awareness and Adoption of Immunotherapy

Traditionally, cancer treatment in India relied heavily on surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. However, immunotherapy emerges as a promising alternative, offering the potential for long-term remission and fewer side effects. As public awareness about the benefits of immunotherapy grows, its adoption rate is expected to rise significantly in India. However, less than 3% of cancer patients in India have access to promising treatment immunotherapy, mainly due to exorbitant costs. Patients and healthcare providers alike are increasingly recognizing the value of harnessing the body’s own immune system to combat cancer, driving the demand for immunotherapy interventions across various cancer types and stages. For example, a study in India found that an ultra-low dose of the immunotherapy drug nivolumab helped people with advanced head and neck cancer live longer.

Government Initiatives and Support

The Indian government recognizes the critical importance of combating cancer and is actively supporting research and development in immunotherapy. Various governmental initiatives aimed at increasing healthcare access and affordability can further stimulate market growth. Programs such as the National Cancer Control Programme (NCCP) and initiatives under the Ayushman Bharat scheme underscore the government’s commitment to improving cancer care delivery and facilitating the adoption of advanced treatment modalities like immunotherapy. Government support not only fosters innovation but also ensures that cutting-edge therapies are accessible to a broader segment of the population.

Increasing Disposable Income

The evolving economic landscape of India, characterized by a growing middle class and rising disposable income, plays a pivotal role in shaping healthcare preferences and behaviors. With greater financial resources at their disposal, more patients are empowered to seek advanced treatment options like immunotherapy, which may have been financially out of reach earlier. This trend not only drives market growth but also underscores the importance of addressing affordability concerns to ensure equitable access to life-saving therapies for all segments of society.

Focus on Developing Domestic Capabilities

India is actively pursuing the development of its own immunotherapy drugs and technologies, aiming to reduce dependence on foreign imports and potentially bring down treatment costs. By fostering a robust ecosystem for research, innovation, and manufacturing in the field of immunotherapy, India seeks to enhance its self-reliance and contribute to the global fight against cancer. This focus on developing domestic capabilities holds the potential to make immunotherapy more accessible to a wider patient pool, thereby driving market expansion and improving healthcare outcomes across the nation.

Market Trends

Shift towards Specific and Targeted Therapies:

The market is witnessing a notable shift towards specific and targeted therapies, moving away from broad-spectrum immunotherapy drugs. These targeted therapies are designed to attack specific cancer mutations or pathways, aiming to improve efficacy while minimizing side effects. For instance, targeted therapy for cancer in India has shown remarkable effectiveness compared to traditional chemotherapy. While chemotherapy typically achieves success in around 30% of cases, targeted therapy boasts success rates of up to 80%. The trend towards personalization reflects a growing understanding of cancer biology and the importance of tailoring treatments to individual patients’ needs.

Rising Popularity of Checkpoint Inhibitors:

Checkpoint inhibitors, a specific type of immunotherapy, are gaining increasing popularity in India due to their promising results in treating various cancers. These inhibitors work by releasing the brakes on the immune system, enabling it to recognize and attack cancer cells more effectively. As more clinical evidence supports their efficacy, checkpoint inhibitors are becoming a cornerstone of cancer treatment regimens across different cancer types. However, the accessibility of immunotherapy is below 3% in India. Despite this, real-world data from India shows that the immune checkpoint inhibitors nivolumab and pembrolizumab have shown dramatic efficacy with low toxicity in advanced solid cancers.

Growing Demand for Combination Therapies:

Combining immunotherapy with other treatment modalities such as surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation is emerging as a common trend in the Indian market. This multi-pronged approach to cancer treatment aims to enhance therapeutic efficacy and improve patient outcomes. By leveraging the synergistic effects of different treatment modalities, combination therapies hold the potential to address cancer heterogeneity and overcome treatment resistance more effectively.

Development of Biosimilars:

The development and adoption of biosimilars, which are more affordable versions of existing biological drugs, are gaining momentum in the Indian market. Biosimilars offer a cost-effective alternative to expensive immunotherapy drugs, thereby reducing the financial burden on patients and healthcare systems. This trend towards biosimilars aligns with efforts to improve accessibility and affordability of immunotherapy treatments for a broader patient population.

Focus on Affordability and Insurance Coverage:

With the evolving landscape of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market, there is a growing emphasis on developing cost-effective treatment regimens and expanding insurance coverage for immunotherapy. Improving affordability and access to immunotherapy treatments is critical to ensuring equitable healthcare delivery and addressing disparities in cancer care. By advocating for broader insurance coverage and implementing cost-saving measures, stakeholders aim to enhance patient access to life-saving immunotherapy interventions.

Telemedicine for Remote Patient Monitoring:

Telemedicine consultations are playing an increasingly important role in facilitating remote monitoring and support for cancer patients undergoing immunotherapy, particularly in geographically challenged areas of India. By leveraging telemedicine platforms, healthcare providers can remotely monitor patients’ treatment progress, manage side effects, and provide timely intervention when needed. This innovative approach to patient care enhances accessibility and convenience for patients while ensuring continuous monitoring and support throughout their immunotherapy journey.

Market Restraints and Challenges

High Cost of Treatment:

Immunotherapy drugs are often prohibitively expensive, posing a significant hurdle for patients in India where healthcare spending is primarily out-of-pocket. Limited affordability can severely restrict access to this potentially life-saving treatment, undermining efforts to combat cancer effectively and equitably across diverse socioeconomic strata.

Limited Access to Healthcare Infrastructure:

The healthcare infrastructure in India, particularly in rural areas, may not be adequately equipped to administer immunotherapy effectively. This includes a dearth of specialized facilities, trained medical professionals, and advanced diagnostic tools required for proper diagnosis and treatment with immunotherapy. The disparity in healthcare infrastructure exacerbates existing healthcare inequalities, hindering optimal cancer care delivery.

Low Public Awareness:

Despite growing awareness, there remains a significant knowledge gap among the general public about immunotherapy, its applications, and its benefits. This lack of awareness can lead to delays in diagnosis and treatment initiation, impeding timely access to immunotherapy interventions. Addressing this awareness gap through targeted education and outreach initiatives is essential to maximize the impact of immunotherapy in combating cancer.

Stringent Regulatory Environment:

The regulatory approval process for new immunotherapy drugs can be arduous and protracted in India, involving rigorous scrutiny and extensive clinical trials. This stringent regulatory environment may delay the availability of innovative immunotherapy advancements to patients who could benefit from them urgently. Streamlining regulatory processes and fostering collaboration between regulatory authorities and industry stakeholders is crucial to accelerate access to cutting-edge immunotherapy treatments.

Inadequate Insurance Coverage:

Insurance coverage for immunotherapy in India remains limited, placing a significant financial burden on patients and discouraging its adoption by healthcare providers. The absence of comprehensive insurance coverage undermines efforts to broaden access to immunotherapy treatments, perpetuating disparities in cancer care outcomes. Expanding insurance coverage and implementing policies to facilitate reimbursement for immunotherapy are imperative to alleviate the financial burden on patients and promote equitable access to cancer care.

Shortage of Trained Medical Professionals:

There exists a shortage of oncologists and other healthcare professionals adequately trained in administering and monitoring immunotherapy treatments in India. This shortage compromises the quality of care and limits the number of patients who can receive immunotherapy, particularly in underserved regions. Addressing this workforce gap through specialized training programs and capacity-building initiatives is essential to meet the growing demand for immunotherapy and optimize cancer care delivery nationwide.

Key Players

  • Pharmacyclics (IND)
  • Healthkind Labs (IND)
  • Arlak Biotech (IND)
  • Swisschem Healthcare (IND)
  • Epigeneres Biotech (IND)
  • Bayer
  • Bristol-Myers Squibb
  • Eli Lily
  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche
  • Pfizer
  • Johnson & Johnson
  • Merck

Recent Developments

In January 2023, the Drugs Controller General of India (DCGI) authorized MSD’s anti-PD-1 medication Keytruda (pembrolizumab) for the treatment of persistent, recurring, or metastatic cervical cancer in adults whose tumors express PD-L1 with a CPS 1. MSD, a trademark of Merck & Co., obtained approval for Keytruda’s utilization as a first-line therapy in adults with HER-2 negative gastroesophageal junction adenocarcinoma or locally advanced unresectable or metastatic esophageal cancer expressing PD-L1 with a CPS 10. The approval was based on data derived from the Phase 3 Keynote 590 and 826 trials for esophageal and cervical cancer, respectively.

In May 2021, the US FDA granted approval to Amgen’s LUMAKRAS (Sotorasib) for the treatment of patients diagnosed with KRAS G12C-mutated locally advanced or metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). LUMAKRAS represents the inaugural and sole targeted treatment option available for NSCLC patients with this specific mutation. This approval marks a significant milestone in the field of lung cancer treatment, offering hope to individuals afflicted with this challenging disease.

Regional Analysis

North India

The North Indian region, comprising states like Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, and Punjab, holds the largest market share of approximately 35% in India’s cancer immunotherapy market. This region’s well-established healthcare infrastructure, presence of major cancer treatment centers, and a large patient population have significantly contributed to the high demand for immunotherapy treatments. Delhi, the capital city, is home to several renowned cancer hospitals and research institutes, such as the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) and the Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre. These institutions have been at the forefront of adopting and promoting advanced cancer immunotherapies, including checkpoint inhibitors, CAR-T cell therapy, and cancer vaccines.

West India

The West Indian region, comprising states like Maharashtra and Gujarat, accounts for approximately 25% of the Indian cancer immunotherapy market share. This region’s thriving pharmaceutical and biotechnology sectors, coupled with the presence of major cancer treatment centers, have played a crucial role in driving the adoption of immunotherapy treatments.

Mumbai, the financial capital of India, hosts several leading cancer hospitals and research centers, such as the Tata Memorial Centre and the Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research and Education in Cancer (ACTREC). These institutions have actively collaborated with pharmaceutical companies to conduct clinical trials and facilitate the development of new immunotherapy drugs and treatments.

South India

The South Indian region, including states like Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Andhra Pradesh, holds a market share of approximately 20% in the Indian cancer immunotherapy market. This region’s focus on healthcare innovation, presence of leading biotechnology companies, and a growing awareness of advanced cancer treatments have fueled the adoption of immunotherapies.

Chennai, the capital city of Tamil Nadu, is home to several prominent cancer hospitals and research centers, such as the Cancer Institute (WIA) and the Adyar Cancer Institute. These institutions have played a pivotal role in promoting the use of immunotherapy treatments and conducting clinical trials to evaluate their efficacy.

East India

The East Indian region, comprising states like West Bengal and Odisha, accounts for approximately 12% of the Indian cancer immunotherapy market share. While this region has a relatively lower market share compared to other regions, there has been a growing interest in adopting immunotherapy treatments due to the increasing prevalence of cancer and the availability of advanced healthcare facilities.

Kolkata, the capital city of West Bengal, is home to several renowned cancer hospitals and research centers, such as the Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute and the Tata Medical Center. These institutions have been actively involved in conducting clinical trials and promoting the use of immunotherapy treatments for various cancer types.

Central India

The Central Indian region, including states like Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh, holds a market share of approximately 8% in the Indian cancer immunotherapy market. While this region has traditionally faced challenges in healthcare infrastructure and access to advanced treatments, there has been a growing focus on improving cancer care and adopting innovative therapies like immunotherapy.

Bhopal and Indore, major cities in Madhya Pradesh, have witnessed the establishment of several cancer treatment centers and hospitals, such as the Bansal Cancer Hospital and the Jawaharlal Nehru Cancer Hospital and Research Centre. These institutions have recognized the potential of immunotherapy treatments and have been actively involved in promoting their adoption.

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Future Outlook

  1. Continued Expansion: The India Cancer Immunotherapy Market is poised for sustained growth, driven by increasing demand for advanced cancer treatments.
  2. Technological Advancements: Ongoing research and innovation are expected to lead to the development of novel immunotherapeutic agents, enhancing treatment options for cancer patients.
  3. Personalized Medicine: There is a growing emphasis on personalized immunotherapy approaches tailored to individual patients’ genetic profiles and immune responses.
  4. Combination Therapies: The trend towards combining immunotherapy with other treatment modalities is expected to gain momentum, leading to improved treatment outcomes.
  5. Enhanced Healthcare Infrastructure: Investments in healthcare infrastructure and facilities specialized in administering immunotherapy are anticipated to expand access to treatment across the country.
  6. Regulatory Streamlining: Efforts to streamline regulatory processes will accelerate the approval and availability of new immunotherapy drugs in the Indian market.
  7. Increasing Affordability: Initiatives aimed at reducing the cost of immunotherapy and expanding insurance coverage are expected to make treatment more accessible to a wider patient population.
  8. Education and Awareness: Continued efforts to raise public awareness about immunotherapy and its benefits will contribute to increased adoption and early detection of cancer.
  9. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaborative initiatives between pharmaceutical companies, research institutions, and healthcare providers will drive research, development, and implementation of immunotherapy solutions.
  10. Improved Patient Outcomes: With advancements in immunotherapy and expanded access to treatment, the future outlook for cancer patients in India is promising, with the potential for improved survival rates and enhanced quality of life.

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Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the projected growth of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market between 2023 and 2032?

The India Cancer Immunotherapy Market is projected to witness substantial growth, with market value expected to rise from USD 98,367.68 million in 2023 to USD 115,574.15 million by 2032, exhibiting a robust compound annual growth rate of 6.27%.

What factors are driving the growth of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market?

The growth of the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market is primarily driven by factors such as the escalating prevalence of cancer, advancements in biotechnology leading to the development of novel immunotherapeutic agents, government initiatives aimed at bolstering healthcare infrastructure, and increasing disposable income empowering more patients to seek advanced treatment options.

Who are the major players in the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market?

Major players in the India Cancer Immunotherapy Market include Pharmacyclics, Healthkind Labs, Arlak Biotech, Swisschem Healthcare, Epigeneres Biotech, Bayer, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Eli Lily, F. Hoffmann-La Roche, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnson, and Merck.

How is the availability of India Cancer Immunotherapy Market expanding, and through what channels?

The availability of India Cancer Immunotherapy Market is expanding through various channels, including increased investments in healthcare infrastructure, government initiatives to promote healthcare access and affordability, collaborations between pharmaceutical companies and research institutions for clinical trials and product development, and efforts to enhance public awareness about immunotherapy and its benefits.

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