Europe Connected Homes Market By Functionality (Energy and Utilities Management, Smart Entertainment, Wellness and Monitoring, Security and Safety, Smart Appliance); By Component (Light Control Solution, Security Solution, Entertainment Solution, Home Healthcare Solution, Energy Management Solution); By Platform (Smartphones, Laptops, Home Gateway, Other Platforms); By Type of Homes (Apartment, Villa/Bungalow, Other Homes) – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $2999

Published: | Report ID: 39413 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period  2019-2022
Base Year  2023
Forecast Period  2024-2032
Europe Connected Homes Market Size 2023  USD 29,812.57 Million
Europe Connected Homes Market, CAGR  8.20%
Europe Connected Homes Market Size 2032  USD 60,596.11 Million

Market Overview

The Europe Connected Homes Market is projected to grow from USD 29,812.57 million in 2023 to USD 60,596.11 million by 2032, at a CAGR of 8.20%.

The Europe Connected Homes Market is experiencing robust growth, driven by an increasing demand for smart home automation to enhance convenience, security, and energy efficiency. This surge is supported by the widespread adoption of advanced technologies such as IoT, AI, and cloud computing, which facilitate more sophisticated and user-friendly home management systems. Moreover, the market is buoyed by the growing awareness of sustainability and energy savings among European consumers, alongside favorable governmental regulations that promote smart technologies. These trends are transforming the residential landscape, making smart homes more accessible and appealing across the region.

In the Europe Connected Homes Market, significant growth is predominantly seen in advanced economies such as Germany, the UK, France, and the Nordic countries, where high disposable incomes, strong technological infrastructure, and a focus on energy efficiency drive adoption. Key players in this market include Ericsson AB, Samsung Electronics, and Schneider Electric, known for their innovative smart home solutions. These companies, along with others like Philips Lighting and Robert Bosch GmbH, are pivotal in pushing the boundaries of home automation technologies across Europe, offering advanced security, energy management, and convenience through their diverse product portfolios.

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Market Drivers

Growing Connectivity and Penetration of the Internet of Things (IoT)

In Europe, the widespread availability of high-speed internet coupled with the increasing adoption of IoT devices is crucial in driving the growth of smart homes. In Europe, for instance, the penetration rate of IoT devices in smart homes is expected to reach 50% by 2025, with an estimated 200 million IoT devices in use. The average European household has about 10 connected devices, contributing to a more cohesive smart home ecosystem. This enhanced connectivity facilitates seamless communication and integration of various smart home devices, creating a cohesive ecosystem that can be managed with ease. As more devices become interconnected, the functionality and efficiency of smart homes improve, allowing for sophisticated control and monitoring capabilities that cater to the modern homeowner’s needs.

Rising Focus on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

Europeans are increasingly turning towards sustainable living, making energy efficiency a significant focus area. Regarding energy efficiency and sustainability, for instance, 65% of Europeans consider energy management a top priority when selecting smart home technologies. The adoption of smart thermostats has led to an average reduction of 23% in home heating costs. Additionally, smart appliances are projected to reduce household energy consumption by up to 15% annually, aligning with the EU’s goal to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030 compared to 1990 levels. Smart home technologies, such as energy-tracking systems, smart appliances, and smart thermostats, are being rapidly adopted as they enable users to significantly reduce their energy usage and carbon footprint. These technologies not only help in conserving energy but also play a pivotal role in promoting environmental sustainability, aligning with the broader regional goals of reducing ecological impact while enhancing the functionality of residential spaces.

Advancements in Sensor Technology

The evolution of sensor technology is transforming the landscape of smart homes across Europe. In the realm of sensor technology, for instance, the cost of smart home sensors has decreased by 70% over the past five years, making them more accessible. The use of these sensors in European smart homes has increased the efficiency of automation systems by 30%, enhancing the overall user experience and adaptability of smart home solutions. Today’s sensors are more sophisticated and affordable, making smart home devices more intelligent and responsive. These sensors effectively gather data from various aspects of the home environment, which facilitates advanced automation and provides personalized experiences tailored to the preferences and habits of residents. This development is key to enhancing the adaptability and appeal of smart home solutions, making them an integral part of daily living.

Increasing Demand for Convenience and Comfort

The desire for enhanced home comfort and convenience is a prevalent trend among European consumers, similar to other developed regions. Smart home devices are increasingly sought after for their ability to automate daily tasks and remotely control home systems such as lighting, temperature, and entertainment. This not only simplifies routine activities but also elevates the overall living experience, reflecting the growing consumer preference for homes that combine luxury with functionality and ease. As disposable incomes rise, particularly among the middle and upper-middle classes, more consumers are willing to invest in these advanced technologies, further propelling the market growth.

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Market Trends

Embracing Interoperability and Advanced Technologies for Enhanced Smart Home Experiences

In Europe, there is an increased focus on interoperability and the standardization of smart home technologies. In Europe, for instance, 92% of smart home devices are now designed to be interoperable with other brands and systems. This has led to a 35% increase in user satisfaction due to the ease of integration and operation. The market for voice-assisted smart home devices, such as those compatible with Alexa and Google Assistant, has seen a growth of 27% year-over-year, with 60% of users reporting enhanced convenience and personalization. As the market matures, open standards and protocols are becoming essential to ensure compatibility across various brands and devices. This development facilitates easier integration and a smoother smart home experience for users, allowing for seamless operation across a diverse range of products. The integration of artificial intelligence with these systems allows for personalized experiences, predictive automation, and a greater level of convenience. These advancements are not just enhancing user engagement but are also setting new standards in how smart home ecosystems operate and integrate.

Advancing Cloud Integration and Expanding Smart Home Functionality

The adoption of cloud-based solutions is gaining significant traction across the European smart home market. These platforms offer remarkable scalability, flexibility, and remote access to control functionalities and data management. The functionality of smart homes is also expanding, with 50% of new smart home applications in Europe now including water management and healthcare monitoring features. This broadening of scope has increased the market size by 18% in the past year, making smart home solutions more appealing and versatile for consumers. The ease of device management and the ability to receive updates and insights through advanced analytics are appealing to both consumers and manufacturers. Moreover, the focus on data security and privacy remains a top priority, with robust measures and transparent practices being implemented to protect user data and build trust. Additionally, the scope of smart home applications is expanding beyond traditional functions. Europe is witnessing a broader integration of technologies into smart appliances, water management systems, healthcare monitoring, and entertainment systems, creating a comprehensive and interconnected living environment. This expansion not only caters to a wider range of consumer needs but also enhances the overall utility and appeal of smart home solutions.

Market Challenges Analysis

Navigating Interoperability Challenges and the High Cost of Smart Home Adoption

One of the foremost challenges in the European smart home market is the lack of interoperability and standardization across different devices and brands. Despite ongoing advancements, the absence of universal standards often results in compatibility issues that can frustrate consumers and restrict the functionality of their smart home ecosystems. This lack of seamless integration can deter potential users from fully committing to smart home solutions. Additionally, the high initial costs associated with acquiring multiple devices and planning for future upgrades pose a significant barrier to entry. Many consumers, especially those with limited financial flexibility, find it challenging to justify the investment in smart home technology, which can still be seen as a luxury rather than a necessity. These economic and technical obstacles are critical areas that need addressing to enhance consumer adoption and market growth.

Addressing Security Concerns, Complexity, and Consumer Awareness

Data security and privacy concerns are paramount in Europe, a region known for its stringent data protection laws and highly privacy-conscious consumers. The smart home industry faces the challenge of implementing robust security measures and maintaining transparency in data collection and usage. Providing clear control over personal data is essential for building trust and encouraging the adoption of smart technologies. Furthermore, the complexity of some smart home systems can also hinder their widespread acceptance. These systems often require a significant level of technical expertise and familiarity with various applications and interfaces, making them less accessible to the average consumer and particularly daunting for those who are not tech-savvy. Lastly, there is a noticeable gap in consumer awareness regarding the full capabilities and benefits of smart home technologies. Many potential users in Europe are not fully informed about how these technologies can enhance their daily lives, which limits market expansion. Efforts to educate consumers and simplify the technology could play a crucial role in overcoming these barriers and broadening the market’s reach.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Functionality:

In the Europe Connected Homes Market, the segmentation by functionality reflects diverse consumer preferences and technological advancements. Energy and Utilities Management is a key segment, driven by the region’s focus on sustainability and efficient energy use. Smart Entertainment systems have also gained significant traction, enhancing user experiences with integrated audio-visual and gaming technologies. Wellness and Monitoring solutions are increasingly popular, catering to health-conscious consumers and those requiring elderly care. Security and Safety remains a critical segment, with robust growth due to rising concerns about home security, evidenced by the widespread adoption of smart locks and surveillance systems. Lastly, Smart Appliances are transforming everyday living by introducing greater convenience and efficiency into household tasks, fully integrating smart technology into the fabric of daily life.

By Component:

The segmentation of the Europe Connected Homes Market by component showcases the technological underpinnings that facilitate smart living. Light Control Solutions are widely adopted for their ability to create energy-efficient and personalized lighting environments. Security Solutions are paramount, with a high demand for advanced systems that ensure safety and peace of mind for homeowners. Entertainment Solutions continue to evolve, providing seamless and immersive entertainment experiences through connected devices. Home Healthcare Solutions are growing, driven by an increasing need for in-home medical monitoring and elder care technologies. Finally, Energy Management Solutions stand out as a rapidly expanding segment, crucial for optimizing energy consumption and reducing overall household carbon footprints. Each component plays a vital role in enhancing the functionality and sustainability of smart homes across Europe.


Based on Functionality

  • Energy and Utilities Management
  • Smart Entertainment
  • Wellness and Monitoring
  • Security and Safety
  • Smart Appliance

Based on Component

  • Light Control Solution
  • Security Solution
  • Entertainment Solution
  • Home Healthcare Solution
  • Energy Management Solution

Based on Platform

  • Smartphones
  • Laptops
  • Home Gateway
  • Other Platforms

Based on Type of Homes

  • Apartment
  • Villa/Bungalow
  • Other Homes

Based on the Geography:

  • UK
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Spain
  • Russia
  • Belgium
  • Netherlands
  • Austria
  • Sweden
  • Poland
  • Denmark
  • Switzerland
  • Rest of Europe

Regional Analysis

Western Europe, comprising countries like the United Kingdom, Germany, France, and the Benelux region, leads the market with a commanding 45% share. Major metropolitan cities and economic powerhouses in this region have emerged as early adopters of connected home technologies, driven by a thriving tech sector, affluent consumer base, and a strong emphasis on sustainability and energy efficiency.

Northern Europe, including countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway, accounts for 22% of the connected homes market. Known for their tech-savvy populations and a deep commitment to environmental sustainability, these nations have embraced smart home solutions that offer enhanced convenience, security, and energy management capabilities. The region’s robust digital infrastructure and a high standard of living have further fueled the adoption of connected home technologies.

Key Player Analysis

  • Ericsson AB
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • Legrand SA
  • Robert Bosch GmbH
  • ADT Security Services
  • Lutron Electronics Co.
  • Schneider Electric
  • Axis Communications AB
  • Johnson Controls International
  • Hubbell Inc.
  • Philips Lighting
  • Control4 Corporation (Wirepath Home Systems, LLC)
  • Mobotix AG

Competitive Analysis

The competitive landscape of the Europe Connected Homes Market is marked by the presence of major global players such as Samsung Electronics, Schneider Electric, and Philips Lighting, alongside specialized providers like Robert Bosch GmbH and Lutron Electronics Co. These companies leverage their extensive technological expertise and strong brand reputations to offer a wide array of innovative solutions that include smart lighting, security systems, and energy management. Samsung Electronics stands out for its integration of IoT technologies, while Schneider Electric excels in energy solutions that appeal to the European market’s strong environmental consciousness. Philips Lighting is at the forefront with advanced lighting automation. Meanwhile, Robert Bosch GmbH offers comprehensive smart home systems that enhance security and efficiency. The intense competition among these companies drives continuous innovation, ensuring that they not only meet the growing demand for smart home solutions but also stay ahead of evolving consumer expectations and technological trends.

Recent Developments

  • In 2023, the advanced home automation with Alexa was introduced by Amazon with the penetration of the artificial intelligence that can do wonders in controlling the home with the connected devices. The new feature accelerates the control devices with echo hubs and map view that eventually to leverage the living experience to the extent.
  • In 2023, Ecobee is ready to set the trend in the connected home by launching the Ecobee Smart Doorbell Camera Review. This company is stepping towards the expansion fot he company’s product portfolio by launching ecosystem products in favor to the user with the latest technological developments. Ecobee is planning to deliver advanced wireless technological thermostats that operates with the sensors connected with the internet technology.

Market Concentration & Characteristics

The Europe Connected Homes Market exhibits a moderate to high level of market concentration, dominated by established global players such as Samsung Electronics, Schneider Electric, and Philips Lighting, alongside regional giants like Robert Bosch GmbH and Lutron Electronics Co. These key players maintain their market dominance through continuous innovation, extensive product portfolios, and strong brand equity. The market is characterized by a high degree of technological advancement, driven by the region’s focus on energy efficiency, sustainability, and high-speed internet connectivity. Competitive dynamics are influenced by technological capabilities and partnerships that facilitate integration across different home automation systems. Furthermore, stringent EU regulations on data privacy and security shape product offerings, pushing companies to prioritize secure and compliant solutions. This environment fosters a competitive landscape where companies must continually evolve to meet the sophisticated needs of European consumers.

Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Functionality, Component, Platform, Type of Homes and Geography. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. Integration of advanced IoT and AI technologies will continue to enhance the functionality and user experience of connected home devices.
  2. Increased emphasis on sustainability will drive the adoption of energy-efficient smart home solutions.
  3. Expansion into Eastern European markets as connectivity improves and consumer incomes rise.
  4. Enhanced voice assistant capabilities will become more prevalent, streamlining device control and user interaction.
  5. Data security and privacy measures will intensify in response to stringent EU regulations and consumer demand.
  6. Cloud-based platforms will dominate, offering scalability, flexibility, and advanced data analytics.
  7. The market will see intensified competition as new players enter and existing ones expand their product ranges.
  8. Adoption of smart home technologies in multi-dwelling units and rental markets will increase.
  9. Development of standards for interoperability among devices will ease integration and enhance user convenience.
  10. Commercial applications of connected home technologies will expand, broadening the market beyond residential users.

1.1. Report Description 15
Purpose of the Report 15
USP & Key Offerings 15
1.2. Key Benefits for Stakeholders 15
1.3. Target Audience 16
1.4. Report Scope 16
2.1. Connected Homes Market Snapshot 17
2.2. Europe Connected Homes Market, 2018 – 2032 (USD Million) 18
3.1. Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine War Impacts 19
4.1. Introduction 20
4.2. Market Drivers 21
4.3. Driving Factor 1 Analysis 21
4.4. Driving Factor 2 Analysis 22
4.5. Market Restraints 23
4.6. Restraining Factor Analysis 23
4.7. Market Opportunities 24
4.8. Market Opportunity Analysis 24
4.9. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 25
5.1. Company Market Share Analysis – 2023 26
5.1.1. Europe Connected Homes Market: Company Market Share, by Volume, 2023 26
5.1.2. Europe Connected Homes Market: Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 27
5.1.3. Europe Connected Homes Market: Top 6 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 27
5.1.4. Europe Connected Homes Market: Top 3 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 28
5.2. Europe Connected Homes Market Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 29
5.3. Company Assessment Metrics, 2023 30
5.3.1. Stars 30
5.3.2. Emerging Leaders 30
5.3.3. Pervasive Players 30
5.3.4. Participants 30
5.4. Start-ups /SMEs Assessment Metrics, 2023 30
5.4.1. Progressive Companies 30
5.4.2. Responsive Companies 30
5.4.3. Dynamic Companies 30
5.4.4. Starting Blocks 30
5.5. Strategic Developments 31
5.5.1. Acquisitions & Mergers 31
New Product Launch 31
Europe Expansion 31
5.6. Key Players Product Matrix 32
6.1. PESTEL 33
6.1.1. Political Factors 33
6.1.2. Economic Factors 33
6.1.3. Social Factors 33
6.1.4. Technological Factors 33
6.1.5. Environmental Factors 33
6.1.6. Legal Factors 33
6.2. Adjacent Market Analysis 33
7.1. Connected Homes Market Overview, by Functionality Segment 34
7.1.1. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Functionality, 2023 & 2032 35
7.1.2. Connected Homes Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Functionality 36
7.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Functionality, 2024 – 2032 36
7.1.4. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Functionality, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 37
7.2. Energy and Utilities Management 38
7.3. Smart Entertainment 39
7.4. Wellness and Monitoring 40
7.5. Security and Safety 41
7.6. Smart Appliance 42
8.1. Connected Homes Market Overview, by Component Segment 43
8.1.1. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Component, 2023 & 2032 44
8.1.2. Connected Homes Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Component 45
8.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Component, 2024 – 2032 45
8.1.4. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Component, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 46
8.2. Light Control Solution 47
8.3. Security Solution 48
8.4. Entertainment Solution 49
8.5. Homehealthcare Solution 50
8.6. Energy Management Solution 51
9.1. Connected Homes Market Overview, by Platform Segment 52
9.1.1. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Platform, 2023 & 2032 53
9.1.2. Connected Homes Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Platform 54
9.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Platform, 2024 – 2032 54
9.1.4. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Platform, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 55
9.2. Smartphones 56
9.3. Laptops 57
9.4. Home Gateway 58
9.5. Other Platforms 59
10.1. Connected Homes Market Overview, by Type of Homes Segment 60
10.1.1. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Type of Homes, 2023 & 2032 61
10.1.2. Connected Homes Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type of Homes 62
10.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Type of Homes, 2024 – 2032 62
10.1.4. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Type of Homes, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 63
10.2. Apartment 64
10.3. Villa/Bungalow 65
10.4. Other Homes 66
11.1. Europe 67
11.1.1. Key Highlights 67
11.1.2. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Country, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 68
11.1.3. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Functionality, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 69
11.1.4. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Component, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 70
11.1.5. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Platform, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 71
11.1.6. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Type of Homes, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 72
11.2. UK 73
11.3. France 73
11.4. Germany 73
11.5. Italy 73
11.6. Spain 73
11.7. Russia 73
11.8. Belgium 73
11.9. Netherland 73
11.10. Austria 73
11.11. Sweden 73
11.12. Poland 73
11.13. Denmark 73
11.14. Switzerland 73
11.15. Rest of Europe 73
13.1. Ericsson AB 74
13.1.1. Company Overview 74
13.1.2. Product Portfolio 74
13.1.3. Swot Analysis 74
13.2. Business Strategy 75
13.3. Financial Overview 75
13.4. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. 76
13.5. Legrand SA 76
13.6. Robert Bosch GmBH 76
13.7. ADT Security Services 76
13.8. Lutron Electronics Co. 76
13.9. Schneider Electric 76
13.10. Axis Communications AB 76
13.11. Johnson Controls International 76
13.12. Hubbel Inc. 76
13.13. Philips Lighting 76
13.14. Control4 Corporation (Wirepath Home Systems, LLC) 76
13.15. Mobotix AG 76
14.1. Research Methodology 77
14.2. Phase I – Secondary Research 78
14.3. Phase II – Data Modeling 78
Company Share Analysis Model 79
Revenue Based Modeling 79
14.4. Phase III – Primary Research 80
14.5. Research Limitations 81
Assumptions 81

List of Figures
FIG NO. 1. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, 2018 – 2032 (USD Million) 18
FIG NO. 2. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis for Europe Connected Homes Market 25
FIG NO. 3. Company Share Analysis, 2023 26
FIG NO. 4. Company Share Analysis, 2023 27
FIG NO. 5. Company Share Analysis, 2023 27
FIG NO. 6. Company Share Analysis, 2023 28
FIG NO. 7. Connected Homes Market – Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 29
FIG NO. 8. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Functionality, 2023 & 2032 35
FIG NO. 9. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Functionality 36
FIG NO. 10. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Functionality, 2024 – 2032 36
FIG NO. 11. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Functionality, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 37
FIG NO. 12. Europe Connected Homes Market for Energy and Utilities Management, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 38
FIG NO. 13. Europe Connected Homes Market for Smart Entertainment, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 39
FIG NO. 14. Europe Connected Homes Market for Wellness and Monitoring, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 40
FIG NO. 15. Europe Connected Homes Market for Security and Safety, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 41
FIG NO. 16. Europe Connected Homes Market for Smart Appliance, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 42
FIG NO. 17. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Component, 2023 & 2032 44
FIG NO. 18. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Component 45
FIG NO. 19. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Component, 2024 – 2032 45
FIG NO. 20. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Component, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 46
FIG NO. 21. Europe Connected Homes Market for Light Control Solution, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 47
FIG NO. 22. Europe Connected Homes Market for Security Solution, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 48
FIG NO. 23. Europe Connected Homes Market for Entertainment Solution, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 49
FIG NO. 24. Europe Connected Homes Market for Homehealthcare Solution, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 50
FIG NO. 25. Europe Connected Homes Market for Energy Management Solution, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 51
FIG NO. 26. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Platform, 2023 & 2032 53
FIG NO. 27. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Platform 54
FIG NO. 28. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Platform, 2024 – 2032 54
FIG NO. 29. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Platform, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 55
FIG NO. 30. Europe Connected Homes Market for Smartphones, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 56
FIG NO. 31. Europe Connected Homes Market for Laptops, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 57
FIG NO. 32. Europe Connected Homes Market for Home Gateway, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 58
FIG NO. 33. Europe Connected Homes Market for Other Platforms, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 59
FIG NO. 34. Connected Homes Market Revenue Share, By Type of Homes, 2023 & 2032 61
FIG NO. 35. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type of Homes 62
FIG NO. 36. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Type of Homes, 2024 – 2032 62
FIG NO. 37. Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Type of Homes, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 63
FIG NO. 38. Europe Connected Homes Market for Apartment, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 64
FIG NO. 39. Europe Connected Homes Market for Villa/Bungalow, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 65
FIG NO. 40. Europe Connected Homes Market for Other Homes, Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 66
FIG NO. 41. Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, 2018 – 2032 (USD Million) 67
FIG NO. 42. Research Methodology – Detailed View 77
FIG NO. 43. Research Methodology 78

List of Tables
TABLE NO. 1. : Europe Connected Homes Market: Snapshot 17
TABLE NO. 2. : Drivers for the Connected Homes Market: Impact Analysis 21
TABLE NO. 3. : Restraints for the Connected Homes Market: Impact Analysis 23
TABLE NO. 4. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Country, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 68
TABLE NO. 5. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Country, 2024 – 2032 (USD Million) 68
TABLE NO. 6. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Functionality, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 69
TABLE NO. 7. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Functionality, 2024 – 2032 (USD Million) 69
TABLE NO. 8. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Component, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 70
TABLE NO. 9. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Component, 2024 – 2032 (USD Million) 70
TABLE NO. 10. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Platform, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 71
TABLE NO. 11. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Platform, 2024 – 2032 (USD Million) 71
TABLE NO. 12. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Type of Homes, 2018 – 2023 (USD Million) 72
TABLE NO. 13. : Europe Connected Homes Market Revenue, By Type of Homes, 2024 – 2032 (USD Million) 72

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the current size of the Europe Connected Homes Market?

The current size of the Europe Connected Homes Market is USD 29,812.57 million in 2023.

What factors are driving the growth of the Europe Connected Homes Market?

A: The growth of the Europe Connected Homes Market is driven by the increasing demand for smart home automation, the widespread adoption of IoT, AI, and cloud computing technologies, alongside growing consumer awareness of energy efficiency and sustainability.

What are the key segments within the Europe Connected Homes Market?

The key segments within the Europe Connected Homes Market include Functionality (Energy and Utilities Management, Smart Entertainment, Wellness and Monitoring, Security and Safety, Smart Appliance) and Component (Light Control Solution, Security Solution, Entertainment Solution, Home Healthcare Solution, Energy Management Solution).

What are some challenges faced by the Europe Connected Homes Market?

Challenges in the Europe Connected Homes Market include high initial costs, complexity in installation and use, issues with interoperability and standardization, and significant concerns regarding data security and privacy.

Who are the major players in the Europe Connected Homes Market?

A: Major players in the Europe Connected Homes Market include Ericsson AB, Samsung Electronics, Schneider Electric, Philips Lighting, and Robert Bosch GmbH.

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