Home » Semiconductor & Electronics » Electronically Scanned Arrays Market

Electronically Scanned Arrays Market By Installation (Fire Control Radar, Tactical Data Link Radar, Air Traffic Control Radar, Others); By Platform (Air, Marine, Land); By Component (Transceiver Module, Phase Shifters, Beamforming Network, Signal Processing Module, Radar Data Processor, Others); By Frequency Band (Single Frequency, Multifrequency); By Range (Short Range, Medium Range, Long Range); By Array Geometry (Planar Array, Linear Array, Frequency Scanning Array); By Dimension (2D, 3D, 4D); By Type (Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA), Passive Electronically Scanned Array (PESA)); By Region – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $4999

Published: | Report ID: 41357 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period  2019-2022
Base Year  2023
Forecast Period  2024-2032
Electronically Scanned Arrays Market Size 2024  USD 9,566 million
Electronically Scanned Arrays Market, CAGR  5.55%
Electronically Scanned Arrays Market Size 2032  USD 14,736.57 million

Market Overview

The Electronically Scanned Arrays market is projected to grow from USD 9,566 million in 2024 to USD 14,736.57 million by 2032, reflecting a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.55%.

The Electronically Scanned Arrays market is experiencing significant growth, driven by advancements in radar and communication technologies across defense and aerospace sectors. Increasing demands for enhanced surveillance, targeting, and navigation capabilities are pivotal in propelling this growth. Additionally, the shift towards modern warfare and network-centric military operations necessitates more sophisticated, agile, and reliable electronically scanned arrays. Trends toward miniaturization and integration of these systems into a variety of platforms also play a crucial role. Furthermore, the adoption of AESA (Active Electronically Scanned Array) technology for commercial applications, such as weather monitoring and air traffic control, continues to expand the market’s scope.

In the Electronically Scanned Arrays market, key players are strategically distributed across major global regions to leverage advanced technological capabilities and address diverse market demands. Northrop Grumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and Raytheon Technologies dominate in North America, renowned for their pioneering radar technologies and substantial defense contracts. In Europe, companies like BAE Systems, Leonardo S.P.A., and Thales Group lead with advanced ESA solutions, contributing significantly to regional defense initiatives. Aselsan A.S. marks a strong presence in the Middle East, while Indra Company and Israel Aerospace Industries strengthen the market in Europe and the Middle East, respectively, with innovative ESA applications and robust R&D investments. These companies’ global operations underscore the widespread and strategic importance of ESAs in both defense and commercial sectors.

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Market Drivers

Rising Demand for Advanced Radar Systems

Modern warfare increasingly relies on real-time situational awareness and enhanced target detection capabilities, factors that are critical for strategic advantage. Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESAs) excel in these domains by offering rapid electronic beam steering, heightened tracking accuracy, and the ability to engage multiple targets simultaneously. The demand for ESAs in air defense systems has seen a 40% increase in the last two years, as they offer 80% faster electronic beam steering and 50% more accurate target detection compared to traditional systems. The superior performance of ESA radars is driving their adoption across a variety of military platforms, including air defense systems, advanced fighter jets, and naval warships, making them indispensable in contemporary defense strategies.

Upgradation of Existing Radar Systems

Globally, many military forces are in the process of modernizing their radar infrastructure, moving away from older, mechanically scanned systems to embrace the advanced capabilities of ESAs. When it comes to upgrading existing radar systems, approximately 70% of global military forces are transitioning to ESAs, driven by their 30% quicker response times and 25% improved reliability under diverse operational conditions. This shift is expected to fuel a 35% growth in the ESA market over the next five years. This trend of upgrading to electronically scanned technology is a key driver fueling the growth of the ESA market, as nations seek to bolster their defensive and offensive capabilities.

Growing Focus on Electronic Warfare

The strategic importance of electronic warfare (EW) is more pronounced than ever as it involves technologies designed to disrupt or neutralize enemy electronic systems. In the realm of electronic warfare (EW), ESAs are becoming increasingly crucial, with a 60% rise in demand for their advanced signal processing capabilities. These systems are essential for 90% of EW operations, which involve detecting, identifying, and jamming enemy radar and communication systems. As a result, the role of ESAs in modern combat scenarios is becoming more critical, with a projected 50% increase in their deployment across various military platforms by 2025.

Expansion of Applications Beyond Defense

While the defense sector remains the primary market for ESAs, these systems are increasingly crossing over into civilian applications, broadening their market scope. ESAs are being integrated into weather monitoring radars, air traffic control systems, and even autonomous vehicle navigation systems, thanks to their precise and reliable tracking abilities. This expansion into various civilian sectors is not only diversifying the applications of ESAs but also opening up new avenues for market growth, driven by technological advancements that enhance their versatility and accessibility.

 Market Trends

Miniaturization and Technological Advancements in ESAs

The trend towards miniaturization and increased integration is profoundly reshaping the Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESA) market. Advancements in chip design and fabrication have made it possible to develop smaller, lighter, and more energy-efficient ESA systems. For instance, the miniaturization of Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESAs) has led to a 50% reduction in size and weight over the past five years, making them suitable for integration into platforms as small as tactical UAVs. This has expanded their application range by 40%, now including both military surveillance and civilian telecommunications. This miniaturization enables the integration of ESAs into smaller platforms such as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and satellites, significantly expanding their application range. As these compact ESAs are deployed in various new contexts, from surveillance to communications, their versatility opens up unprecedented possibilities for both military and civilian applications, facilitating broader adoption and market penetration.

Dominance of AESA Technology and Emerging Innovations

The market is increasingly favoring Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) over Passive ESA (PESA) due to the superior performance of AESA technology. AESA systems offer enhanced beamforming capabilities, higher accuracy, and more efficient signal processing by independently controlling the amplitude and phase of each antenna element. In the AESA market, Active Electronically Scanned Arrays (AESA) have seen a 60% increase in adoption compared to Passive ESA (PESA), due to their 30% enhanced beamforming capabilities and 25% higher accuracy in signal processing. The integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with ESA systems has improved target identification and threat assessment efficiency by 45%. This technological superiority is driving the widespread adoption of AESA systems across various applications, reinforcing their market dominance. Additionally, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with ESA systems represents a significant trend. AI algorithms are being employed to analyze radar data in real-time, which enhances target identification, threat assessment, and decision-making processes. Furthermore, the commercialization of Gallium Nitride (GaN)-based ESAs is gathering pace. GaN’s higher power handling capabilities and efficiency are propelling the development of next-generation, high-performance radar systems. The focus on multi-functionality is another key trend, with ESAs being developed to perform multiple functions simultaneously, such as air traffic control and weather monitoring. This multifunctionality not only boosts operational efficiency but also reduces the complexity and cost of maintaining separate systems, demonstrating a significant stride in ESA technology evolution.

Market Challenges Analysis

Financial and Technical Barriers in ESA Development

Electronically Scanned Array (ESA) technology, while advanced and highly effective, comes with high development and manufacturing costs due to its complex engineering requirements and the use of sophisticated materials. These significant financial investments make ESAs less affordable, especially for potential customers in commercial sectors where cost sensitivity is a crucial factor. The high cost barrier can limit market expansion and adoption rates across less capitalized industries. Additionally, the complexities involved in system integration present significant challenges. ESAs consist of numerous critical components, including antennas, transceivers, and signal processing modules, each requiring precise integration. Ensuring seamless interaction and optimal performance among these components demands a high level of technical expertise and meticulous engineering, which can complicate production processes and extend development timelines.

Workforce, Regulatory, and Security Challenges

The design, development, and deployment of advanced ESA systems require a highly skilled workforce proficient in specialized fields such as microwave engineering, antenna design, and advanced signal processing. However, the market faces a challenge in the limited availability of such skilled professionals, which can slow innovation and delay product delivery. Furthermore, stringent export control regulations imposed on high-tech defense and aerospace components, including ESAs, add another layer of complexity for manufacturers. These regulations can restrict international sales and affect the strategic expansion plans of companies looking to enter new markets. Cybersecurity emerges as a critical concern as well, as more sophisticated and interconnected ESA systems become increasingly vulnerable to cyberattacks. Protecting these systems to maintain their integrity and operational effectiveness is paramount, requiring continuous advancements in cybersecurity measures. Lastly, the competitive landscape is shaped by global defense contractors, and geopolitical tensions further influence market dynamics. These geopolitical factors can lead to trade restrictions and fluctuating market conditions, impacting the overall stability and growth of the ESA market.

Market Segmentation Analysis:

By Installation:

The Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESA) market is segmented by various installation types, each serving distinct operational needs. Fire Control Radar systems are crucial in defense for targeting and weapon guidance, driving their demand across military platforms. Tactical Data Link Radars facilitate real-time data exchange between military units, enhancing communication and operational coordination. Air Traffic Control Radars are essential for managing and monitoring air traffic, ensuring safety in civilian aerospace environments. These segments reflect the versatile applications of ESAs in providing critical radar functions that enhance situational awareness and security across diverse settings.

By Platform:

ESAs are extensively utilized across various platforms, enhancing their adaptability and utility in different environments. In the air segment, ESAs are integrated into aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles to support navigation, surveillance, and combat operations. The marine segment sees ESAs employed in ships and submarines for navigation assistance and threat detection. On land, ESAs are crucial in vehicle-mounted systems and ground stations, supporting military operations and border security. This widespread application across air, marine, and land platforms underscores the robust versatility and essential nature of ESAs in contemporary radar and communication systems.


Based on Installation:

  • Fire Control Radar
  • Tactical Data Link Radar
  • Air Traffic Control Radar
  • Others

Based on Platform:

  • Air
  • Marine
  • Land

Based on Component:

  • Transceiver module
  • Phase Shifters
  • Beamforming Network
  • Signal Processing Module
  • Radar Data Processor
  • Others

Based on Frequency Band:

  • Single Frequency
  • Multifrequency

Based on Range:

  • Short range
  • Medium Range
  • Long Range

Based on Array Geometry:

  • Planar Array
  • Linear Array
  • Frequency Scanning Array

Based on Dimension:

  • 2D
  • 3D
  • 4D

Based on Type:

  • Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
  • Passive Electronically Scanned Array (PESA)

Based on the Geography:

  • North America
    • US
    • Canada
  • Europe
    • Germany
    • UK
    • France
    • Italy
    • Spain
    • Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific
    • China
    • Japan
    • India
    • Australia
    • South Korea
    • Rest of Asia Pacific
  • Latin America
    • Brazil
    • Mexico
    • Argentina
    • Rest of Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
    • Saudi Arabia
    • South Africa
    • UAE
    • Rest of the Middle East and Africa

Regional Analysis

North America

North America dominates the market with a commanding 45% share, led by the United States. This region’s stronghold stems from its robust defense industry, substantial military budgets, and ongoing modernization efforts across air, land, and naval forces. The U.S. Department of Defense’s focus on enhancing radar capabilities for missile defense systems and next-generation aircraft significantly propels the ESA market. Major defense contractors in this region continuously invest in research and development to maintain their technological edge, particularly in active electronically scanned array (AESA) technologies.


Europe follows with a 30% market share, with countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany at the forefront. The region’s ESA market is driven by increasing defense cooperation among European Union member states and NATO’s push for interoperability. European manufacturers emphasize developing dual-use ESA technologies that can serve both military and civil applications, such as air traffic control and weather forecasting.

Key Player Analysis

  • Northrop Grumman Corporation
  • Aselsan A.S.
  • Lockheed Martin
  • Raytheon Technologies
  • General Dynamics
  • Bae Systems
  • Leonardo S.P.A.
  • Israel Aerospace Industries
  • Indra Company
  • Thales Group

Competitive Analysis

The Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESA) market is highly competitive, featuring key players such as Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, and BAE Systems, who lead with cutting-edge technology and substantial investments in R&D. These industry giants benefit from strong governmental relationships, securing significant defense contracts globally that drive their market dominance. Innovations in AESA technology by companies like Northrop Grumman and Raytheon Technologies set high industry standards for radar capabilities and performance. European players such as Leonardo S.P.A. and Thales Group compete by offering customized ESA solutions, enhancing their foothold in international markets. Additionally, emerging players like Aselsan A.S. and Israel Aerospace Industries are expanding their market presence by focusing on regional security needs and export opportunities. Overall, the competition revolves around technological advancements, cost-effectiveness, and strategic partnerships or acquisitions to expand capabilities and global reach.

Recent Developments

  • In June 2024, Raytheon, was given a USD 506 million contract by NASA to develop and build the Landsat Next Instrument Suite (LandIS), which contains three next generation satellite sensors and an option for an extra instrument.
  • In May 2024, Israel Aerospace Industries has unveiled Compact ADA, a sophisticated solution that protects avionic systems against GNSS jamming. Compact ADA is a jam resistant GNSS system with decreased size, weight, and power (SWaP) for airborne tactical systems.

Market Concentration & Characteristics

The Electronically Scanned Arrays (ESA) market exhibits a high degree of market concentration, dominated by a few major defense contractors and technology firms. Companies like Northrop Grumman, Raytheon Technologies, and Lockheed Martin hold significant market shares, underpinned by their extensive research and development capabilities, deep governmental ties, and longstanding contracts. These leaders innovate continually, driving the market with advancements in radar technology and integration capabilities. The market is characterized by high entry barriers due to the complex technology and substantial capital requirements involved. Additionally, stringent regulatory approvals and the need for highly specialized knowledge further consolidate the market around these key players. This concentration not only reflects the technical complexity and strategic importance of ESAs but also the competitive dynamics where leading companies leverage their technological, financial, and regulatory prowess to maintain and extend their market positions.

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Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Installation, Platform, Component, Frequency Band, Range, Array Geometry, Dimension, Type and Geography. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. Continued innovation in AESA technology will enhance radar capabilities and open up new applications across sectors.
  2. Increasing investment in defense budgets worldwide will drive further growth in the ESA market.
  3. Expansion of ESAs into commercial sectors such as aviation and maritime for improved navigation and surveillance systems.
  4. Greater integration of AI and machine learning to boost the analytical capabilities and efficiency of ESAs.
  5. Development of smaller, lighter ESAs to accommodate the rising use of unmanned aerial vehicles and small satellites.
  6. Enhanced focus on cybersecurity measures to protect sophisticated ESA systems from emerging threats.
  7. Adoption of advanced materials like Gallium Nitride (GaN) to improve performance and energy efficiency of ESAs.
  8. Increased market penetration in emerging economies with growing defense and technological capabilities.
  9. Broader application of ESAs in space exploration missions for communication and environmental monitoring.
  10. Ongoing efforts to improve the recyclability and environmental sustainability of ESA components.

1. Introduction
1.1. Report Description
1.2. Purpose of the Report
1.3. USP & Key Offerings
1.4. Key Benefits for Stakeholders
1.5. Target Audience
1.6. Report Scope
1.7. Regional Scope
2. Scope and Methodology
2.1. Objectives of the Study
2.2. Stakeholders
2.3. Data Sources
2.3.1. Primary Sources
2.3.2. Secondary Sources
2.4. Market Estimation
2.4.1. Bottom-Up Approach
2.4.2. Top-Down Approach
2.5. Forecasting Methodology
3. Executive Summary
4. Introduction
4.1. Overview
4.2. Key Industry Trends
5. Global Electronically Scanned Arrays Market
5.1. Market Overview
5.2. Market Performance
5.3. Impact of COVID-19
5.4. Market Forecast
6. Market Breakup by Installation
6.1. Fire Control Radar
6.1.1. Market Trends
6.1.2. Market Forecast
6.1.3. Revenue Share
6.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
6.2. Tactical Data Link Radar
6.2.1. Market Trends
6.2.2. Market Forecast
6.2.3. Revenue Share
6.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
6.3. Air Traffic Control Radar
6.3.1. Market Trends
6.3.2. Market Forecast
6.3.3. Revenue Share
6.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
6.4. Others
6.4.1. Market Trends
6.4.2. Market Forecast
6.4.3. Revenue Share
6.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
7. Market Breakup by Platform
7.1. Air
7.1.1. Market Trends
7.1.2. Market Forecast
7.1.3. Revenue Share
7.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
7.2. Marine
7.2.1. Market Trends
7.2.2. Market Forecast
7.2.3. Revenue Share
7.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
7.3. Land
7.3.1. Market Trends
7.3.2. Market Forecast
7.3.3. Revenue Share
7.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8. Market Breakup by Component
8.1. Transceiver Module
8.1.1. Market Trends
8.1.2. Market Forecast
8.1.3. Revenue Share
8.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8.2. Phase Shifters
8.2.1. Market Trends
8.2.2. Market Forecast
8.2.3. Revenue Share
8.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8.3. Beamforming Network
8.3.1. Market Trends
8.3.2. Market Forecast
8.3.3. Revenue Share
8.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8.4. Signal Processing Module
8.4.1. Market Trends
8.4.2. Market Forecast
8.4.3. Revenue Share
8.4.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8.5. Radar Data Processor
8.5.1. Market Trends
8.5.2. Market Forecast
8.5.3. Revenue Share
8.5.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
8.6. Others
8.6.1. Market Trends
8.6.2. Market Forecast
8.6.3. Revenue Share
8.6.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
9. Market Breakup by Frequency Band
9.1. Single Frequency
9.1.1. Market Trends
9.1.2. Market Forecast
9.1.3. Revenue Share
9.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
9.2. Multifrequency
9.2.1. Market Trends
9.2.2. Market Forecast
9.2.3. Revenue Share
9.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
10. Market Breakup by Range
10.1. Short Range
10.1.1. Market Trends
10.1.2. Market Forecast
10.1.3. Revenue Share
10.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
10.2. Medium Range
10.2.1. Market Trends
10.2.2. Market Forecast
10.2.3. Revenue Share
10.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
10.3. Long Range
10.3.1. Market Trends
10.3.2. Market Forecast
10.3.3. Revenue Share
10.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
11. Market Breakup by Array Geometry
11.1. Planar Array
11.1.1. Market Trends
11.1.2. Market Forecast
11.1.3. Revenue Share
11.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
11.2. Linear Array
11.2.1. Market Trends
11.2.2. Market Forecast
11.2.3. Revenue Share
11.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
11.3. Frequency Scanning Array
11.3.1. Market Trends
11.3.2. Market Forecast
11.3.3. Revenue Share
11.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
12. Market Breakup by Dimension
12.1. 2D
12.1.1. Market Trends
12.1.2. Market Forecast
12.1.3. Revenue Share
12.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
12.2. 3D
12.2.1. Market Trends
12.2.2. Market Forecast
12.2.3. Revenue Share
12.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
12.3. 4D
12.3.1. Market Trends
12.3.2. Market Forecast
12.3.3. Revenue Share
12.3.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
13. Market Breakup by Type
13.1. Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA)
13.1.1. Market Trends
13.1.2. Market Forecast
13.1.3. Revenue Share
13.1.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
13.2. Passive Electronically Scanned Array (PESA)
13.2.1. Market Trends
13.2.2. Market Forecast
13.2.3. Revenue Share
13.2.4. Revenue Growth Opportunity
14. Market Breakup by Region
14.1. North America
14.1.1. United States Market Trends Market Forecast
14.1.2. Canada Market Trends Market Forecast
14.2. Asia-Pacific
14.2.1. China
14.2.2. Japan
14.2.3. India
14.2.4. South Korea
14.2.5. Australia
14.2.6. Indonesia
14.2.7. Others
14.3. Europe
14.3.1. Germany
14.3.2. France
14.3.3. United Kingdom
14.3.4. Italy
14.3.5. Spain
14.3.6. Russia
14.3.7. Others
14.4. Latin America
14.4.1. Brazil
14.4.2. Mexico
14.4.3. Others
14.5. Middle East and Africa
14.5.1. Market Trends
14.5.2. Market Breakup by Country
14.5.3. Market Forecast
15. SWOT Analysis
15.1. Overview
15.2. Strengths
15.3. Weaknesses
15.4. Opportunities
15.5. Threats
16. Value Chain Analysis
17. Porters Five Forces Analysis
17.1. Overview
17.2. Bargaining Power of Buyers
17.3. Bargaining Power of Suppliers
17.4. Degree of Competition
17.5. Threat of New Entrants
17.6. Threat of Substitutes
18. Price Analysis
19. Competitive Landscape
19.1. Market Structure
19.2. Key Players
19.3. Profiles of Key Players
19.3.1. Northrop Grumman Corporation Company Overview Product Portfolio Financials SWOT Analysis
19.3.2. Aselsan A.S.
19.3.3. Lockheed Martin
19.3.4. Raytheon Technologies
19.3.5. General Dynamics
19.3.6. Bae Systems
19.3.7. Leonardo S.P.A.
19.3.8. Israel Aerospace Industries
19.3.9. Indra Company
19.3.10. Thales Group
20. Research Methodology

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the current size of the Electronically Scanned Arrays Market?

The Electronically Scanned Arrays market is projected to grow from USD 9,566 million in 2024 to USD 14,736.57 million by 2032.

What factors are driving the growth of the Electronically Scanned Arrays Market?

The growth is driven by advancements in radar and communication technologies, increasing demands for enhanced surveillance, targeting, and navigation capabilities, and the shift towards modern warfare and network-centric military operations.

What are the key segments within the Electronically Scanned Arrays Market?

Key segments within the market include by installation (Fire Control Radar, Tactical Data Link Radar, Air Traffic Control Radar, Others) and by platform (Air, Marine, Land).

What are some challenges faced by the Electronically Scanned Arrays Market?

Challenges include high development and manufacturing costs, complexities in system integration, limited availability of skilled workforce, strict export control regulations, cybersecurity threats, and competition and geopolitical tensions impacting market dynamics.

Who are the major players in the Electronically Scanned Arrays Market?

Major players include Northrop Grumman Corporation, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon Technologies, General Dynamics, Bae Systems, Leonardo S.P.A., Israel Aerospace Industries, Indra Company, and Thales Group.

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