Home » Food & Beverage » UAE Seafood Market

UAE Seafood Market By Type (Fish, Shrimp, Crustaceans, Others); By Product (Fresh, Frozen, Processed); By End User (Retail (B2C), Horeca (Foodservice), Wholesale); By Distribution Channel (Online, Supermarket/Hypermarket, Convenience Stores, Butcher Shops, Others) – Growth, Share, Opportunities & Competitive Analysis, 2024 – 2032

Price: $1999

Published: | Report ID: 41385 | Report Format : PDF
Historical Period 2019-2022
Base Year 2023
Forecast Period 2024-2032
UAE Seafood Market Size 2023 USD 2,524.75 million
UAE Seafood Market, CAGR 3.82%
UAE Seafood Market Size 2032 USD 3,547.10 million

Market Overview

The UAE Seafood Market is projected to grow from USD 2,524.75 million in 2023 to an estimated USD 3,547.10 million by 2032, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.82% from 2024 to 2032. This growth trajectory underscores the increasing demand for seafood in the UAE, driven by a combination of rising disposable incomes, a growing population, and a shift towards healthier dietary preferences. The market size reflects the robust consumption patterns and the expanding import of a diverse range of seafood products, catering to both local and expatriate populations.

Key drivers propelling the UAE Seafood Market include the country’s strategic location, which facilitates easy access to a variety of seafood sources, and government initiatives promoting aquaculture to ensure sustainable seafood supply. Additionally, the rising awareness of the health benefits associated with seafood consumption is bolstering market growth. Trends such as the increasing popularity of ready-to-eat and frozen seafood products, alongside innovations in seafood processing and packaging, are further contributing to the market’s expansion.

Geographically, the UAE Seafood Market exhibits significant consumption in major emirates such as Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Sharjah, where high per capita incomes and a thriving tourism sector amplify demand. Key players in the market include Al Rawdah, Asmak (International Fish Farming Holding Company), and Emirates Fish Farm, which are pivotal in shaping the market dynamics through extensive product offerings and strategic partnerships. These companies are continually enhancing their supply chains and adopting advanced technologies to maintain a competitive edge in the burgeoning market.

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Market Drivers

Strategic Geographic Location and Trade Policies

The UAE’s strategic geographic location plays a crucial role in driving the seafood market. Positioned as a global trade hub, the UAE enjoys easy access to a multitude of international seafood suppliers. This advantageous location allows for efficient importation of diverse seafood varieties from various parts of the world, including Asia, Europe, and North America. The UAE’s well-developed logistics and transportation infrastructure further streamline the supply chain, ensuring fresh and high-quality seafood reaches the market swiftly. Additionally, favorable trade policies and agreements facilitate seamless cross-border transactions, making the UAE a preferred destination for seafood exporters. The government’s commitment to maintaining a business-friendly environment, with minimal trade barriers and efficient customs procedures, significantly boosts the influx of seafood products into the country.

Government Initiatives and Support for Sustainable Aquaculture

The UAE government has been proactive in promoting sustainable aquaculture practices to reduce dependency on imported seafood and ensure a stable and sustainable supply. Initiatives such as the establishment of aquaculture farms and research centers dedicated to developing advanced aquaculture techniques are pivotal in this regard. The government provides financial incentives, subsidies, and technical support to encourage investment in the aquaculture sector. These efforts are aimed at enhancing domestic production capabilities, improving food security, and minimizing the environmental impact of seafood consumption. The focus on sustainable aquaculture not only addresses the growing demand but also aligns with global sustainability goals, making the UAE seafood market more resilient and self-reliant.

Rising Health Consciousness and Dietary Shifts

The increasing awareness of the health benefits associated with seafood consumption is a significant driver of the UAE seafood market. Seafood is rich in essential nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals, which are known to promote heart health, improve brain function, and support overall well-being. As consumers become more health-conscious, there is a noticeable shift towards incorporating more seafood into their diets. This trend is particularly evident among the younger population and the growing expatriate community, who are more inclined towards healthy eating habits. The rising incidence of lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular conditions further reinforces the demand for nutritious and low-calorie food options like seafood. Consequently, the market is witnessing a surge in demand for fresh, frozen, and value-added seafood products that cater to the evolving dietary preferences of consumers.

Innovation in Seafood Processing and Product Diversification

Innovation in seafood processing technologies and product diversification are crucial factors driving the growth of the UAE seafood market. Advanced processing techniques such as freezing, canning, and vacuum packaging enhance the shelf life and quality of seafood products, making them more accessible and convenient for consumers. The development of ready-to-eat and ready-to-cook seafood products has gained significant traction, catering to the busy lifestyles of modern consumers who seek quick and easy meal solutions without compromising on nutrition and taste. Additionally, the introduction of exotic and premium seafood varieties, including sushi-grade fish, shellfish, and gourmet seafood delicacies, has expanded the market’s product portfolio. The emphasis on product innovation extends to sustainable packaging solutions that align with the growing environmental consciousness among consumers. Companies are investing in eco-friendly packaging materials and practices to reduce their carbon footprint and appeal to environmentally conscious buyers.

Market Trends

Increased Demand for Ready-to-Eat and Convenience Products

One of the most prominent trends in the UAE seafood market is the growing demand for ready-to-eat and convenience products. With busy lifestyles and an increasing number of dual-income households, consumers are seeking quick, easy, and nutritious meal solutions. Ready-to-eat seafood products, such as pre-cooked shrimp, marinated fish fillets, and seafood salads, are becoming increasingly popular. These products offer convenience without compromising on quality and nutrition, making them a preferred choice for many.

Rising Popularity of Sustainable and Locally Sourced Seafood

Sustainability is becoming a significant focus in the UAE seafood market. Consumers are becoming more aware of the environmental impact of their food choices and are showing a preference for sustainably sourced seafood. This trend is driving demand for locally farmed seafood, which is seen as more environmentally friendly and fresher compared to imported options. The government and various organizations are also promoting sustainable fishing practices and aquaculture to support this growing consumer preference.

Growth of Online Seafood Retailing

The digital transformation in retail has significantly impacted the seafood market in the UAE. There is a notable shift towards online seafood purchasing, driven by the convenience of home delivery and the ability to access a wide range of products with just a few clicks. E-commerce platforms and specialized online seafood retailers are expanding their offerings, providing consumers with fresh, frozen, and value-added seafood products. The COVID-19 pandemic has further accelerated this trend, as more consumers turned to online shopping for their seafood needs.

Expansion of Premium and Exotic Seafood Offerings

The UAE market is seeing an increased interest in premium and exotic seafood varieties. High-end products such as lobster, crab, scallops, and sushi-grade fish are gaining popularity among affluent consumers and those seeking gourmet dining experiences at home. Restaurants and food retailers are responding to this trend by offering a wider selection of premium seafood products, often highlighting their quality and origin to attract discerning customers.

Innovations in Seafood Packaging and Preservation

Advancements in packaging and preservation technologies are playing a crucial role in the seafood market. Innovative packaging solutions, such as vacuum-sealed and modified atmosphere packaging, are helping to extend the shelf life of seafood products while maintaining their freshness and quality. These technologies also enhance the safety and convenience of seafood products, making them more appealing to consumers. Sustainable packaging options are also gaining traction, reflecting the broader environmental awareness among consumers.

Health and Wellness Focus

The growing health and wellness trend is influencing the UAE seafood market. Consumers are increasingly aware of the nutritional benefits of seafood, which is rich in essential nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals. This awareness is driving demand for healthier seafood options, including organic and minimally processed products. The promotion of seafood as a healthy dietary choice is also supported by various public health campaigns and initiatives aimed at improving the population’s overall health.

Culinary Tourism and Seafood Festivals

Culinary tourism and seafood festivals are emerging as significant trends in the UAE. These events celebrate the diversity and richness of seafood, attracting both locals and tourists. Seafood festivals offer a platform for showcasing a variety of seafood dishes and cooking techniques, boosting the visibility of seafood products and enhancing consumer engagement. Culinary tourism initiatives also highlight the importance of seafood in the UAE’s gastronomic landscape, further driving demand and interest in the market.

Market Restraints and Challenges

Dependence on Imports

One of the primary challenges facing the UAE seafood market is its heavy dependence on imports. Despite efforts to boost local aquaculture, the majority of seafood consumed in the UAE is imported. This reliance on foreign suppliers exposes the market to global supply chain disruptions, fluctuations in international prices, and geopolitical tensions. Import dependency also raises concerns about the consistency and quality of seafood, as imported products may face delays and spoilage during transit.

Environmental and Sustainability Concerns

Environmental sustainability presents a significant challenge for the UAE seafood market. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and unsustainable fishing practices globally impact the availability of certain seafood species. While the UAE is making strides in promoting sustainable aquaculture, there is still a long way to go to ensure that all seafood consumed is sourced sustainably. Balancing the increasing demand for seafood with the need for conservation and sustainable practices is a complex issue that requires ongoing attention and action from both the government and industry players.

High Production Costs in Aquaculture

The development of a robust local aquaculture industry in the UAE faces challenges due to high production costs. The arid climate and limited natural water resources necessitate significant investments in technology and infrastructure to create viable aquaculture environments. These costs can be prohibitive for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and can limit the growth and scalability of the domestic aquaculture sector. High production costs also translate into higher prices for locally farmed seafood, making it less competitive against cheaper imported alternatives.

Regulatory and Compliance Issues

The seafood market in the UAE is subject to stringent regulatory and compliance requirements, which can pose challenges for both importers and local producers. Ensuring that all seafood products meet health, safety, and quality standards involves rigorous inspections and certification processes. Navigating these regulatory frameworks can be complex and time-consuming, particularly for new market entrants and smaller businesses. Additionally, any changes in regulations, whether domestic or international, can impact the market dynamics and operational processes.

Consumer Price Sensitivity

Consumer price sensitivity is another restraint on the UAE seafood market. While there is a growing demand for premium and exotic seafood products, a significant portion of the market remains price-sensitive. High prices for seafood can limit consumption, especially among lower-income groups. This sensitivity can be exacerbated by economic fluctuations, inflation, and changes in disposable incomes. Balancing the need to offer high-quality seafood while maintaining affordability is a persistent challenge for market players

Competition from Alternative Protein Sources

The rise of alternative protein sources, such as plant-based and lab-grown meats, presents a competitive challenge to the seafood market. These alternatives are gaining popularity due to their perceived environmental benefits and growing consumer interest in diverse protein options. As the market for alternative proteins expands, seafood producers may face increased competition for consumer attention and market share. Adapting to this competitive landscape requires innovation and differentiation in seafood products to maintain consumer interest and loyalty.

Market Segmentation Analysis

By Type

Fish is the largest segment in the UAE seafood market, driven by high consumer demand for species like salmon, tuna, and mackerel, appreciated for their versatility, nutritional benefits, and cultural significance. Shrimp follows as a popular choice, especially in the foodservice sector, with demand supported primarily by imports and rising local farming efforts. Crustaceans, including crabs and lobsters, are highly valued for their taste and culinary use, with demand peaking in upscale restaurants and hotels, though the market experiences seasonal and price fluctuations. The ‘Others’ category, comprising mollusks and niche seafood products, is expanding as consumer interest in diverse and gourmet seafood options increases.

By Product

The UAE seafood market’s fresh segment is highly valued for its taste, quality, and nutritional benefits, driven by daily imports and local aquaculture ensuring a steady supply for traditional home cooking. The frozen segment offers convenience and extended shelf life, appealing to both retail and foodservice sectors with products like fish fillets, shrimp, and ready-to-cook items, enhanced by innovations in freezing technology that maintain quality and texture. The processed segment, including canned fish, smoked salmon, and seafood spreads, caters to consumers seeking ready-to-eat options, growing due to the increasing availability of diverse and value-added products.

By End User

The UAE seafood market is segmented into Retail (B2C), Horeca (Foodservice), and Wholesale. The retail segment, comprising supermarkets, hypermarkets, and specialty seafood stores, caters to individual consumers seeking fresh, frozen, and processed seafood for home consumption. The Horeca segment, encompassing hotels, restaurants, and cafes, is driven by the vibrant hospitality industry and tourism sector, emphasizing the need for high-quality seafood to ensure culinary excellence. The wholesale segment supplies seafood to retailers and Horeca, playing a crucial role in the distribution chain by providing a diverse range of seafood products in large quantities at competitive prices.

By Distribution Channel

Online sales of seafood are rapidly growing due to the convenience of home delivery and a wide product range, with e-commerce platforms and specialized retailers catering to tech-savvy consumers, a trend that gained momentum during the COVID-19 pandemic and continues to thrive. Supermarkets and hypermarkets serve as major distribution channels, offering fresh, frozen, and processed products, attracting diverse consumers with extensive selections and competitive pricing, often featuring dedicated seafood sections. Convenience stores provide quick and easy seafood purchases with a limited range of frozen and processed options, benefiting from their location and extended hours for last-minute needs. Specialty butcher shops, which often include high-quality seafood sections, appeal to consumers seeking personalized service and expert advice, focusing on premium products. Additionally, other distribution channels such as wet markets, direct sales from fishermen, and specialty seafood markets offer unique local varieties, ensuring broad market coverage and accessibility for different consumer segments.


Based on Type

  • Fish
  • Shrimp
  • Crustaceans
  • Others

Based on Product

  • Fresh
  • Frozen
  • Processed

Based on End User

  • Retail (B2C)
  • Horeca (Foodservice)
  • Wholesale

Based on the Distribution Channel

  • Online
  • Supermarket/Hypermarket
  • Convenience Stores
  • Butcher Shops
  • Others

Regional Analysis

Dubai (40%):

Dubai holds the largest share of the UAE seafood market, accounting for approximately 40% of the total market. This emirate’s dominance is driven by its status as a major economic and tourist hub, attracting a diverse population with high disposable incomes. Dubai’s vibrant hospitality sector, including numerous hotels, restaurants, and catering services, significantly boosts seafood consumption. The city’s well-developed infrastructure, including world-class ports and logistics facilities, ensures a steady supply of fresh and high-quality seafood products. Additionally, Dubai hosts several seafood festivals and culinary events, further enhancing consumer interest and market growth.

Abu Dhabi (30%):

Abu Dhabi accounts for around 30% of the UAE seafood market. As the capital city and a key economic center, Abu Dhabi boasts a strong demand for seafood driven by its affluent population and robust foodservice industry. The emirate’s government has been actively promoting aquaculture and sustainable fishing practices, contributing to the local supply of seafood. Abu Dhabi’s strategic initiatives to diversify its economy and boost tourism also play a crucial role in expanding the seafood market. The presence of luxury hotels, fine dining establishments, and high-end retail outlets supports the growing consumption of premium and exotic seafood varieties.

Key players

  • Conagra Brands Inc.
  • Tabuk Fisheries Co.
  • The Deep Seafood Company
  • The Savola Group
  • Al Islami Foods
  • Enhance Group Holding Company Limited
  • Golden Dunes General Trading LLC
  • East Fish Processing L.L.C.
  • Socotra Seafoods

Competitive Analysis

The UAE seafood market is highly competitive, with several key players contributing to its dynamic landscape. Conagra Brands Inc. leverages its global presence and extensive product portfolio to capture significant market share. Tabuk Fisheries Co. and The Deep Seafood Company focus on providing fresh and high-quality seafood, capitalizing on their strong supply chain networks. The Savola Group and Al Islami Foods cater to diverse consumer preferences with their wide range of processed and frozen seafood products. Enhance Group Holding Company Limited and Golden Dunes General Trading LLC emphasize innovative packaging and sustainable sourcing practices. East Fish Processing L.L.C. and Socotra Seafoods are known for their efficient processing capabilities and commitment to quality. Together, these companies drive market growth through strategic initiatives, advanced technologies, and customer-centric approaches, maintaining a competitive edge in the evolving UAE seafood market.

Recent Developments

Asmak announced a strategic distribution agreement with Fish Farm, a UAE-based aquaculture company. This agreement enables Asmak to distribute Fish Farm products, thereby expanding its reach both locally and regionally. Through its advanced processing facility and robust distribution channels, which include wholesale, foodservice, and retail, Asmak aims to capture a wider audience. This collaboration enhances Asmak’s product portfolio and strengthens its market presence, catering to the growing demand for high-quality seafood in the UAE and neighboring regions.

Tabuk Fisheries and NEOM company signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to expand local aquaculture production and implement next-generation aquaculture technologies in the NEOM region. The agreement includes establishing a hatchery with a capacity of 70 million fingerlings, making it the largest in the MENA region. This initiative aims to boost local seafood production, enhance food security, and support sustainable aquaculture practices. The collaboration underscores Tabuk Fisheries’ commitment to innovation and its role in advancing the aquaculture industry in the UAE and beyond.

Al Islami Foods signed an agreement to distribute JBS/Seara brand products in the UAE, which includes a variety of seafood items. This partnership allows Al Islami Foods to broaden its product offerings and meet the increasing demand for high-quality seafood in the market. By leveraging its established distribution network, Al Islami Foods aims to enhance the availability and accessibility of JBS/Seara seafood products, catering to diverse consumer preferences and reinforcing its position as a leading food distributor in the region.

Market Concentration and Characteristics

The UAE seafood market is characterized by moderate market concentration, with a mix of large multinational corporations and significant local players dominating the landscape. Key characteristics include a strong reliance on imports, a growing emphasis on sustainable and locally sourced products, and a high demand for premium and exotic seafood varieties. The market benefits from advanced logistics and distribution networks, which ensure the availability of fresh and high-quality seafood. Additionally, innovations in aquaculture and seafood processing, along with the increasing popularity of ready-to-eat products, are shaping market dynamics, catering to the diverse and health-conscious consumer base in the UAE.

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Report Coverage

The research report offers an in-depth analysis based on Type, Product, End User and Distribution Channel. It details leading market players, providing an overview of their business, product offerings, investments, revenue streams, and key applications. Additionally, the report includes insights into the competitive environment, SWOT analysis, current market trends, as well as the primary drivers and constraints. Furthermore, it discusses various factors that have driven market expansion in recent years. The report also explores market dynamics, regulatory scenarios, and technological advancements that are shaping the industry. It assesses the impact of external factors and global economic changes on market growth. Lastly, it provides strategic recommendations for new entrants and established companies to navigate the complexities of the market.

Future Outlook

  1. The UAE seafood market is expected to continue its steady growth, driven by rising consumer demand and increasing disposable incomes.
  1. Local aquaculture production will expand significantly, supported by government initiatives and technological advancements, reducing reliance on imports.
  1. Advances in seafood processing and packaging technologies will enhance product quality and shelf life, catering to convenience-oriented consumers.
  1. Online seafood retailing will gain more traction, with consumers preferring the convenience of home delivery and diverse product offerings.
  1. There will be a heightened emphasis on sustainable fishing practices and eco-friendly packaging, aligning with global environmental goals and consumer preferences.
  1. The health benefits of seafood will continue to attract health-conscious consumers, boosting demand for nutritious and low-calorie seafood options.
  1. The market will see increased demand for premium and exotic seafood varieties, driven by affluent consumers seeking gourmet experiences.
  1. The thriving tourism and hospitality sectors will amplify seafood consumption, with high-end hotels and restaurants playing a key role.
  1. Enhanced regulatory frameworks will ensure the safety, quality, and sustainability of seafood products, fostering consumer trust and market growth.
  1. The UAE seafood market will diversify with a broader range of seafood products, including ready-to-eat, frozen, and processed options, meeting varied consumer preferences and lifestyle needs.


1.1.1. Report Description 16

Purpose of the Report 16

USP & Key Offerings 16

1.1.2. Key Benefits for Stakeholders 16

1.1.3. Target Audience 17

1.1.4. Report Scope 17


2.1. Seafood Market Snapshot 18

2.1.1. UAE Seafood Market, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 20

2.2. Insights from Primary Respondents 20


3.1. Russia-Ukraine and Israel-Palestine War Impacts 21


4.1. Introduction 22

4.2. Market Drivers 23

4.2.1. Driving Factor 1 Analysis 23

4.2.2. Driving Factor 2 Analysis 24

4.3. Market Restraints 25

4.3.1. Restraining Factor Analysis 25

4.4. Market Opportunities 26

4.4.1. Market Opportunity Analysis 26

4.5. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 27

4.6. Value Chain Analysis 28

4.7. Buying Criteria 29


5.1. Import Analysis by UAE 30

5.1.1. UAE Seafood Market Import Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 30 Fish 30 Shrimp 30 Crustaceans and Others 30

5.1.2. UAE Seafood Market Import Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 30 India 30 Thailand 30 Viet-Nam 30 Norway 30 China 30 Others 30

5.1.3. UAE Fish Market Import Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 30 Thailand 30 Vietnam 30 Norway 30 Others 30

5.1.4. UAE Shrimp Market Import Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 30 India 30 China 30 Others 30

5.1.5. UAE Crustaceans and Others Market Import Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 31 India 31 Thailand 31 Viet-Nam 31 Norway 31 China 31 Others 31


6.1. Export Analysis by UAE 32

6.1.1. UAE Seafood Market Export Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 32 Fish 32 Shrimp 32 Crustaceans and Others 32

6.1.2. UAE Fish Market Export Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 32

6.1.3. UAE Shrimp Market Export Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 32

6.1.4. UAE Crustaceans and Others Market Export Volume, By Country, 2018 – 2023 32


7.1. Production Analysis by UAE 33

7.1.1. UAE Seafood Market Production, By Type, 2018 – 2023 33


8.1. Demand Analysis by UAE 34

8.1.1. UAE Seafood Market Demand Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 34

8.2. Supply Analysis by UAE 35

8.2.1. UAE Seafood Market Supply Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 35


9.1. Price Analysis by Type 36

9.1.1. UAE Seafood Market Price, By Type, 2018 – 2023 36

9.1.2. UAE Type Market Price, By Type, 2018 – 2023 36


10.1. Key Raw Materials and Suppliers 37

10.2. Key Raw Materials Price Trend 37


11.1. Manufacturing Cost Analysis 38

11.2. Manufacturing Process 38


12.1. Company Market Share Analysis – 2023 39

12.1.1. UAE Seafood Market: Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 39

12.1.2. UAE Seafood Market: Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 40

12.1.3. UAE Seafood Market: Top 6 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 40

12.1.4. UAE Seafood Market: Top 3 Company Market Share, by Revenue, 2023 41

12.2. UAE Seafood Market Company Volume Market Share, 2023 42

12.3. UAE Seafood Market Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 43

12.4. Company Assessment Metrics, 2023 44

12.4.1. Stars 44

12.4.2. Emerging Leaders 44

12.4.3. Pervasive Players 44

12.4.4. Participants 44

12.5. Start-ups /SMEs Assessment Metrics, 2023 44

12.5.1. Progressive Companies 44

12.5.2. Responsive Companies 44

12.5.3. Dynamic Companies 44

12.5.4. Starting Blocks 44

12.6. Strategic Developments 45

12.6.1. Acquisitions & Mergers 45

New Product Launch 45

UAE Expansion 45

12.7. Key Players Product Matrix 46


13.1. PESTEL 47

13.1.1. Political Factors 47

13.1.2. Economic Factors 47

13.1.3. Social Factors 47

13.1.4. Technological Factors 47

13.1.5. Environmental Factors 47

13.1.6. Legal Factors 47

13.2. Adjacent Market Analysis 47


14.1. Seafood Market Overview, by Type Segment 48

14.1.1. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 49

14.1.2. Seafood Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type 50

14.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Type, 2024 – 2032 50

14.1.4. Seafood Market Revenue, By Type, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 51

14.2. Fish 52

14.3. Shrimp 53

14.4. Crustaceans and Others 54


15.1. Seafood Market Overview, by Product Segment 55

15.1.1. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Product, 2023 & 2032 56

15.1.2. Seafood Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Product 57

15.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Product, 2024 – 2032 57

15.1.4. Seafood Market Revenue, By Product, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 58

15.2. Fresh 59

15.3. Frozen 60

15.4. Processed 61


16.1. Seafood Market Overview, by End-user Segment 62

16.1.1. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By End-user, 2023 & 2032 63

16.1.2. Seafood Market Attractiveness Analysis, By End-user 64

16.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by End-user, 2024 – 2032 64

16.1.4. Seafood Market Revenue, By End-user, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 65

16.2. Retail (b2c) 66

16.3. Horeca (foodservice) 67

16.4. Wholesale 68


17.1. Seafood Market Overview, by Distribution Channel Segment 69

17.1.1. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Distribution Channel, 2023 & 2032 70

17.1.2. Seafood Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Distribution Channel 71

17.1.3. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity, by Distribution Channel, 2024 – 2032 71

17.1.4. Seafood Market Revenue, By Distribution Channel, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 72

17.2. Online 73

17.3. Supermarket/Hypermarket 74

17.4. Convenience Stores 75

17.5. Butcher Shops 76

17.6. Others 77


18.1. Almunajem Foods 78

18.1.1. Company Overview 78

18.1.2. Product Portfolio 78

18.1.3. Swot Analysis 78

18.1.4. Business Strategy 78

18.1.5. Financial Overview 79

18.2. Conagra Brands Inc. 80

18.3. Tabuk Fisheries Co. 80

18.4. The Deep Seafood Company 80

18.5. The Savola Group 80

18.6. Al Islami Foods 80

18.7. Enhance Group Holding Company Limited 80

18.8. Golden Dunes General Trading LLC 80

18.9. East Fish Processing L.L.C. 80

18.10. Socotra Seafoods 80


19.1. Research Methodology 81

19.1.1. Phase I – Secondary Research 82

19.1.2. Phase II – Data Modeling 82

Company Share Analysis Model 83

Revenue Based Modeling 83

19.1.3. Phase III – Primary Research 84

19.1.4. Research Limitations 85

Assumptions 85


List of Figures

FIG NO. 1. UAE Seafood Market, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 20

FIG NO. 2. Porter’s Five Forces Analysis for UAE Seafood Market 27

FIG NO. 3. Value Chain Analysis for UAE Seafood Market 28

FIG NO. 4. UAE Seafood Market Demand Revenue, By Type, 2018 – 2023 33

FIG NO. 5. UAE Seafood Market Demand Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 34

FIG NO. 6. UAE Seafood Market Supply Volume, By Type, 2018 – 2023 35

FIG NO. 7. UAE Seafood Market Price, By Type, 2018 – 2023 36

FIG NO. 8. Raw Materials Price Trend Analysis, 2018 – 2023 37

FIG NO. 9. Manufacturing Cost Analysis 38

FIG NO. 10. Manufacturing Process 38

FIG NO. 11. Company Share Analysis, 2023 39

FIG NO. 12. Company Share Analysis, 2023 40

FIG NO. 13. Company Share Analysis, 2023 40

FIG NO. 14. Company Share Analysis, 2023 41

FIG NO. 15. Seafood Market – Company Volume Market Share, 2023 42

FIG NO. 16. Seafood Market – Company Revenue Market Share, 2023 43

FIG NO. 17. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Type, 2023 & 2032 49

FIG NO. 18. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Type 50

FIG NO. 19. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Type, 2024 – 2032 50

FIG NO. 20. Seafood Market Revenue, By Type, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 51

FIG NO. 21. UAE Seafood Market for Fish, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 52

FIG NO. 22. UAE Seafood Market for Shrimp, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 53

FIG NO. 23. UAE Seafood Market for Crustaceans and Others, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 54

FIG NO. 24. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Product, 2023 & 2032 56

FIG NO. 25. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Product 57

FIG NO. 26. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Product, 2024 – 2032 57

FIG NO. 27. Seafood Market Revenue, By Product, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 58

FIG NO. 28. UAE Seafood Market for Fresh, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 59

FIG NO. 29. UAE Seafood Market for Frozen, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 60

FIG NO. 30. UAE Seafood Market for Processed, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 61

FIG NO. 31. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By End-user, 2023 & 2032 63

FIG NO. 32. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By End-user 64

FIG NO. 33. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by End-user, 2024 – 2032 64

FIG NO. 34. Seafood Market Revenue, By End-user, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 65

FIG NO. 35. UAE Seafood Market for Retail (b2c), Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 66

FIG NO. 36. UAE Seafood Market for Horeca (foodservice), Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 67

FIG NO. 37. UAE Seafood Market for Wholesale, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 68

FIG NO. 38. Seafood Market Revenue Share, By Distribution Channel, 2023 & 2032 70

FIG NO. 39. Market Attractiveness Analysis, By Distribution Channel 71

FIG NO. 40. Incremental Revenue Growth Opportunity by Distribution Channel, 2024 – 2032 71

FIG NO. 41. Seafood Market Revenue, By Distribution Channel, 2018, 2023, 2027 & 2032 72

FIG NO. 42. UAE Seafood Market for Online, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 73

FIG NO. 43. UAE Seafood Market for Supermarket/Hypermarket, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 74

FIG NO. 44. UAE Seafood Market for Convenience Stores, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 75

FIG NO. 45. UAE Seafood Market for Butcher Shops, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 76

FIG NO. 46. UAE Seafood Market for Others, Volume (Kilo Tons) & Revenue (USD Million) 2018 – 2032 77

FIG NO. 47. Research Methodology – Detailed View 81

FIG NO. 48. Research Methodology 82


List of Tables

TABLE NO. 1. : UAE Seafood Market: Snapshot 18

TABLE NO. 2. : Drivers for the Seafood Market: Impact Analysis 23

TABLE NO. 3. : Restraints for the Seafood Market: Impact Analysis 25

TABLE NO. 4. : UAE Seafood Market Revenue, By Type, 2018 – 2023 36

TABLE NO. 5. : Key Raw Materials & Suppliers 37

Frequently Asked Questions:

What is the projected growth of the UAE Seafood Market?

The UAE Seafood Market is projected to grow from USD 2,524.75 million in 2023 to USD 3,547.10 million by 2032, with a CAGR of 3.82% from 2024 to 2032.

What are the key drivers of the UAE Seafood Market?

Key drivers include the UAE’s strategic location, government initiatives for sustainable aquaculture, rising health consciousness, and innovations in seafood processing and packaging.

How has the COVID-19 pandemic affected online seafood sales in the UAE?

The COVID-19 pandemic significantly boosted online seafood sales, with sustained growth post-pandemic due to the convenience of home delivery and diverse product offerings.

Which emirate holds the largest share of the UAE Seafood Market?

Dubai holds the largest share, accounting for approximately 40% of the market, driven by its economic and tourist hub status and well-developed infrastructure.

What are some challenges faced by the UAE Seafood Market?

Challenges include dependence on imports, high production costs in aquaculture, regulatory complexities, consumer price sensitivity, and competition from alternative protein sources.

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